Coffee review

Coffee acidity and sweetness the principle of pressure coffee extraction by hand brewing coffee

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Sweetness and sour A consensus about sweetness and sour is that sour and sweet complement each other. Sweet without sour will appear dull, while sour without sweet will be sharper. As the saying goes, sweet and sour and delicious, this is the truth. In terms of molecular polarity, due to the short extraction time, the sweet substances extracted by the hand filter droplets are usually less than the method pressure, and considering the contact with water caused by the degree of grinding.

Sweet and sour

A consensus about sweetness and sour taste is that sour and sweet complement each other. Sweet without sour will appear dull, while sour without sweet will be sharper. As the saying goes, sweet and sour and delicious, this is the truth.

In terms of molecular polarity, due to the short extraction time, the sweet substances extracted by the hand filter droplets are usually less than the legal pressure, while considering the difference between the contact area between the grinding degree and the water, the sour substances extracted by him are not much different from the normal pressure. As a result, hand-brewed coffee is more likely to show "sour flavor", while French filter pressure is more likely to show "sour and sweet".

Take, for example, the recent baking of light baked Kenya and medium baked El Salvador (including the most recent black honey). French filter products are sweeter and softer sour than hand filter drops. This is because more sweet substances are extracted by French pressure extraction.

Of course, this is not absolute, for medium and shallow baked beans, hand flushing can also be taken to increase the water temperature, prolong the extraction time and other ways to get better sweetness.

So it seems that the product of French pressure must be better than hand flushing? Obviously, that's impossible. Although to a certain extent, Dharma pressing is more "sour and sweet" than hand flushing, it is not absolute. To be sure, the French press contains more flavor substances than the hand-made products, which contains both good flavor and bad substances. For example, for medium and deep baked beans, my feeling is that French pressure generally has a slightly woody fiber flavor (which is why I switched from French pressure to hand flushing in the first place), and the balance will be lower, while hand flushing will have higher cleanliness and balance; for example, in some beans that take slow baking in the hope of grinding away the miscellaneous flavor, the French pressure products have more defects than the hand-made ones.

Of course, the above is not absolute, we can reduce the extraction filtration of the normal pressure by reducing the stirring times of the normal pressure, so as to improve the quality of the product.