Coffee review

Coffee making suggestion hand flushing pressure siphon extraction suggestion coffee information

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Some personal suggestions 1. Which beans are also excellent? Medium-shallow baked, sour beans, and their own beans are very good, can withstand soaking, this kind of beans can show more sweet and sour through pressure, there are often surprises 2, which beans will be better? The quality of beans is average, and the baking degree is relatively low, so the performance of this kind of coffee is often not as good as that of hand-made coffee.

Some personal suggestions

1. Which beans are also excellent?

Medium-shallow baked, sour beans, and their own beans are very good, can withstand soaking, this kind of beans can show more sweet and sour by pressure, often have surprises

2. Which beans will be better by hand?

The quality of beans is average, and the baking degree is relatively low, so the performance of this kind of coffee is often not as good as that of hand-made coffee.

3. If you wash your hands clean, there will be a lot of mixed smell.

On the one hand, I have drunk very clean French pressure, and I have also tried very "dirty" hand filter drops.