Coffee review

Introduction to the types of Magi Coffee and the practice of all kinds of Coffee hand-made Coffee in Yega Xuefei Sun treatment Class

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Main points: see that some friends say to buy coffee powder directly, I personally recommend people in large and medium-sized cities, it is better to buy fresh coffee beans and grind them themselves. To make a good cup of coffee, the most fundamental thing is to have fresh and high-quality coffee beans; hand mill to buy better, can ensure that the coffee powder is uniform. If the powder is not evenly ground, the coffee will not taste good.

Main points: see that some friends say to buy coffee powder directly, I personally recommend people in large and medium-sized cities, it is better to buy fresh coffee beans and grind them themselves. To make a good cup of coffee, the most fundamental thing is to have fresh and high quality coffee beans.

If you buy better by hand mill, you can make sure that the coffee powder is evenly ground. If the grinding is not uniform, it will make the coffee taste not "pure". Because of the different contact area, hot water extracted from coarser coffee powder is much less than from fine powder at the same time. When the extraction time is just enough to fully extract the "good taste" from the coarse powder, it is already over-extracted from the fine powder-there will be some flavors that we do not want to appear. The main purpose of hand-made single product is to taste the original flavor of coffee, and it is to enlarge a certain characteristic of coffee flavor to taste it carefully. Therefore, we should try our best to ensure that the extraction is uniform rather than mixed with various flavors.

water. Now everyone pays attention to the soft water for drinking water, and the soft sailor tastes better. The water temperature is 85-95 degrees Celsius, too high temperature will cause coffee to have a scorched taste, and too low temperature will give coffee an unpleasant sour taste (just right coffee will also have a light sour taste, but this sour taste is pleasant, such as light fruit acidity.)

Pay attention to the warm cup. All utensils used in the process of hand brewing should be kept warm so that the taste of the coffee is warmer and moist.

The thin-nosed pot for hand flushing can be purchased separately, or you can choose some common utensils instead, as long as you ensure that the flushing flow is fine and stable. Of course, try to keep warm as much as possible.

According to my experience, 250 milliliters of coffee for every 15 grams of coffee powder is an appropriate proportion.

The rest is some simple process: put the filter paper into the filter bowl, add a small amount of water, let the filter paper "serve", and there is no air bubble between the filter paper and the filter bowl; grind the coffee powder and load it evenly (this process is called cloth powder. Some people think that the uplift in the middle of the powder pile can make better coffee, while others think that a hole should be dug in the middle of the powder pile. This depends on personal understanding); slowly flush the hot water of about 92 degrees into the coffee powder, controlling the amount of water to drop just one drop from the bottom of the powder pile; let the coffee powder fully absorb the hot water for about 40 seconds (at this time, if the coffee powder is fresh enough, you will see the coffee powder obviously expand); empty the containers that hold the coffee under the filter bowl (including the hot water for the warm cup and the drop of hot water just dropped for soaking the coffee) The water temperature dropped to about 90 degrees in these 40 seconds, just right for the start of hand flushing; slowly flushing water and drawing circles in one direction from the center of the powder pile, circle after circle. All right, drink it.

Country: Ethiopia

Grade: G3

Production area: Banchi Magi primeval forest

Altitude: 1500-1700 m

Treatment: insolation

Varieties: Typica, Heirloom

Producers: centralized treatment of small farmers' harvest

Flavor: jackfruit, spices, wine

There are eight main producing areas of Ethiopian coffee: Ekempti, Limu, Illubabor,

Djimma 、 Harrar 、 Teppi/Bebeka 、 Sidamo 、 Yirgacheffe .

Ethiopian coffee is highly rated in Taiwan, especially the three well-known producing areas of Ethiopia, namely Harrar, Sidamo and Yirgacheffe. Sidama province is located in the south of Ethiopia, Arsi province in the north, Bale province in the east and GamuGofa province in the west. The jurisdiction of Sidama province includes two well-known producing areas, Yirgacheffe and Kochere. The industry is dominated by agriculture, and the coffee growing area is located around the East African Great Rift Valley (GreatRiftValley). Banchi Magi producing area (BenchMaji) is located in southern Ethiopia, is the country's two largest primeval forest coffee (Forest), one is Banchimaji, the other is the coffee producing area of KafaFrost.