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How to make milk foam Starbucks how to make milk foam milk foam tips

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, . How to mix milk well? That is milk and milk foam, how can we mix it well, pull flowers, a pour down not all white? Temperature... Temperature is important. When you are frothing, put your empty hand on the pull cup to feel the temperature of the milk. When you feel that your hand is too hot to continue to put on the pull jar, it is almost ready ~ Continue to beat.

. How can I mix the milk well?

Is the milk and milk foam, how to mix it well, pull flowers, a pour is not all white? Temperature. Temperature is important. When you foam, put your empty hand on the flower cup to feel the temperature of the milk. When you feel very hot and can no longer be placed on the flower jar, it will make the foam too hard. The hard foam looks stiff, and it doesn't mix with the coffee when you pour it into the coffee, but accumulates on top of your coffee like fluffy beaten cream. If you play a little longer, it will be layered, 90% of which is flowing milk, and a thick hard foam lid floating on it. When you pour it into the coffee, the milk will flow out of the flower cup first. So if you want to mix milk and foam well, temperature is the key. Do not put the foam for too long after playing, otherwise it will be stratified.

How to make more and meticulous milk foam?

On how to make a good milk bubble, here provides a stupid milk bubble method, that is, pour half of the milk into the steel cup, let the steam pipe and the milk perpendicular to the center or the edge of the steel cup, then let the steam head just touch the surface of the milk, then turn on the steam to 1pm 2, do not move the steel cup, slowly close when the milk reaches 50 degrees, close at 60 degrees, and finally the temperature will reach 66 degrees. So we can have a good drink.

What kind of Italian machine do you want to use for milking?

Generally speaking, there are steam heads with three, four and five holes in the machine, and as long as they are a little familiar with them, they all make good milk bubbles. However, the amount of steam produced by the machine, the degree of dryness and wetness of the steam, and the size of the stomata still have an impact on milking.