Coffee review

Arabica and Robusta hybrid coffee bean varieties

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, 1. Timo: A hybrid of Arabica and Ba and Robasta found in East Timor. 2. Catimor: Major variety of commercial bean, East Timor, colonized by Portugal for 400 years. Brazilian bourbon variety Catimor was transplanted to East Timor by Portuguese in 1959. Mixed with Timo, coffee from 1970 to 1990

Arabica crosses with Robasta

1. Timor: a hybrid of Arabica, Baba and Robasta found in East Timor.

two。 Catimor: currently the main variety of commercial beans, East Timor was colonized by Portugal for 400 years, in 1959 the Portuguese transplanted the Brazilian bourbon variety Kaddura to East Timor and Timo mixed race, from 1970 to 1990, coffee leaf rust affected the global coffee producing areas, only Katimo did not suffer from the disease, although strong disease resistance, but also inherited the lack of Robasta flavor.

3. Icatu: a masterpiece of many generations of Brazilian hybrid and improved varieties, this variety has repeatedly entered the top 10 of the Brazilian Chaofan Cup, and the latter potential is good.

4. Ruiru (Ruiru 11): a hybrid variety with high yield and low quality. In 1985, the hybrid between Timo and Robasta by the Ruiru Coffee Research Center in Kenya had high yield but poor flavor and could not be planted on a large scale.

5. Qiangzhuogili (Chandragiri): in December 2007, the latest mixed-race variety cultivated and mass-produced in India has a high yield, but its flavor has to be tested by the market.