Coffee review

Coffee bean oil is not enough coffee oil is what coffee oil depends on China Coffee Network

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Cream, or crema, is translated as Krima. It is a kind of coffee oil, which is commonly found in Italian coffee machines. Any kind of beans will produce oil after passing through the coffee machine, usually roasting more deeply. The quality of oil is directly proportional to the quality of beans, and is related to the strength of powder pressing, water temperature and water pressure. Good grease is brown and black in color and has a heavy aroma. Bad grease can be thick, but

Cream, or crema, is translated as Krima.

It is a kind of coffee oil, which is commonly found in Italian coffee machines. Any kind of beans will produce oil after passing through the coffee machine.

It's usually more deep-baked.

The quality of oil is directly proportional to the quality of beans, and is related to the strength of powder pressing, water temperature and water pressure.

Good grease is brown and black in color and has a heavy aroma.

Bad grease can also be thick, but it smells like halal.