Coffee review

Record of roasting Panamanian coffee beans in oven

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Today baked some Panama, 36 grams of beans, 29 grams of beans out of the baking time process: dehydration: 1-6 = 150 (close the throttle) 6-11: 150 (open throttle) heating: 11-1430 1510-1630-170 1950-180 (with a small sound of skin explosion) 2030: 185 2135 = (sporadic burst) 2313 = (bean) fan cooling phase: beans out of oil, full, no wrinkles

Today I baked some Panama, 36 grams of beans and 29 grams of beans.

Baking time process:


1-6'= 150 °(close the throttle)

6-11mm 150 °(open throttle)

Heating up:

11-14 "30" = 160 °

15 °10 "- 16 °30" = 170 °

1950 "= 180 °(with a small bursting sound)

20 °30 "= 185 °

21mm 35 "= (sporadic burst)

23 "13" = (from beans)

Fan cooling


Beans are oily, full, free of wrinkles and black spots, reaching the level of deep city baking.

Personal conclusion:

When baking in the oven this time, it is difficult to control the baking temperature, which basically depends on the color of the beans.

Dehydration period, and then set to high-temperature baking, the oven into about 180 °about 1 'has been close to an explosion of color, as shown above

21: 35 "after a burst sound 15" beans personally feel more appropriate, but this time 23 "13" beans before the frequent explosion sound, estimated to be the second explosion sound, after the observation has reached the deep city baking stage, think that this baking failed! (the above are only personal opinions for friends who use the oven for reference.)

My oven and thermometer:

Bean effect (flash):