Coffee review

The reason for the second baking

Published: 2024-10-23 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/23, Recently, it is common to see questions about secondary baking. For some novice bakers, it is confusing to get big and beautiful results from secondary baking. What is more, they use secondary baked beans to comment on whether the beans are good or bad. After all, what is the impact of secondary baking?

In my opinion, apart from the fact that the manufacturer has to bake beans for customers with low taste ability in order to meet the needs of the business, it is easy to quality control, and the beans are too poor. I can't imagine why, as a coffee lover, I should try a second roast. No matter how good it is to bake twice, it is still to bake twice.

When we taste coffee, except for sugar and oil, most of the rest are volatiles. These volatiles can easily disappear under high heat. Without volatiles, the odorless oil will be annoying. So when baking, when you smell a variety of aroma appears, do not be too happy for this, you smell the smell, is that "he" has been volatilized, in the case of baking is no longer possible (not baked beans are very difficult to drink), try to shorten the baking time, in order to retain the integrity of coffee characteristics, is inevitable, you can try, when you roast a very good caramelized coffee, this coffee aroma and characteristics will be reduced a lot, Of course, not every kind of beans can have very good aroma and characteristics, at this time, to repair, to add, to grind, we have to look at the understanding of the baked beans, but we must clearly know that when we do more action, it is more than one point of the original flavor of the beans, more than one artificial modification.

After saying a long circle, you can understand that the second baking makes the beans experience two high temperatures. If you want to discuss the characteristics of a bean completely, the second baking must be avoided. This does not affect the coffee taste, but it will definitely affect the judgment of the beans, so that the comments lose their correctness, the advantages are covered, and the disadvantages are also covered.

So here's my personal opinion:

Secondary roasting is an option for players who want to roast their own coffee beans, but I have to say that secondary roasting can still get good coffee.

It's just that if you use re-roasting to comment on beans, it will be further from the truth and more incorrect, but it doesn't affect your judgment on whether a cup of coffee tastes good or not, because it's up to you to decide whether it tastes good or not.