Coffee review

The color, aroma, and taste of coffee

Published: 2024-10-23 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/23, Coffee's color, aroma, and taste are the result of complex chemical changes that occur through roasting.

The color, aroma and taste of coffee are caused by some complex chemical changes in roasting. Therefore, raw beans must go through proper chemical procedures to achieve the most balanced state of its essential ingredients in order to be regarded as the best baked beans. The aroma of coffee will change with the heat, so the baking time should be shortened as much as possible, and the heat should be controlled at the lowest temperature that can produce effective chemical composition of coffee beans, that is, the time and heat of the shortest process, so that coffee beans can produce the most suitable composition ratio.

Aroma is the life of coffee quality, and it is also the best expression of coffee production and roasting technology, climate, elevation, variety, refined treatment, harvest, storage, roasting technology of consumer countries, etc., are all the conditions to determine the aroma of coffee beans. The aroma of coffee is proved to be composed of acid, alcohol, acetaldehyde, ketone, ester, sulfur compound, phenol, nitrogen compound and nearly hundreds of volatile components. Generally speaking, fat, protein and sugars are important sources of aroma, while lipids blend with the sour and bitter of coffee to form a smooth taste. Therefore, the disappearance of fragrance means that the quality is getting worse, and the relationship between aroma and quality is very close.

The basic taste of bitter coffee is the strength of bitter taste and the texture of bitter taste. Raw beans contain only a very small amount of bitter ingredients, followed by sugar, part of starch, caramelization and carbonization of fiber caused by baking. to produce the most symbolic bitterness of coffee. Caffeine, one of the bitter ingredients, is also an important substance showing the pharmacological characteristics of coffee, and its content varies according to its type, purification and baking degree. if the baking temperature is high, its content will be reduced, so the shallower the roasting is, the stronger the pharmacological effect of caffeine is, and the deeper the roasting is, the weaker it is. Generally speaking, coffee with strong sour taste will have a weak bitter taste, while coffee with bitter taste as the main body is prone to lack of sour taste, so the proportion of sour taste and bitter taste gives room for the development of coffee taste. As long as the bitterness depends on the baking time, firepower, firepower or not.

The sour taste must be affected by the quality and variety of raw beans. In terms of the elevation of the variety, the coffee grown in the highland is sour than that in the lowland, and the beans that have just been harvested are sour than those that have been harvested for a while. The variety of calculation is different, and the situation of increase and decrease is also different. generally, the beans with shallow baking are more sour, and those with deeper baking degree are more boring. Just harvested beans, good quality, high moisture content, if the appropriate heat to produce a moderate sour taste, will make the coffee taste better, make people feel more deep.

Strong alcohol and sweetness generally we use strong alcohol to show the round, mellow and strong taste of coffee. The unique sweetness of high-end coffee is related to the bitter taste, so the refreshing taste must have a sweet taste. In the baking process, some of the carbonic compounds such as sucrose and glucose will produce caramelization, and the rest will form sweetness. this sweetness is moderately the product of heat action, and it is easy to lose if excessive heat treatment occurs in the process of baking and follicles.

How to taste coffee

Coffee purists insist on drinking only black coffee, which the French call naturalism. People on the other side of the English Channel not only roast their coffee, but also make coffee out of almost scorched beans. In the Italian pressure style, use a teaspoon of coffee powder mixed with 3x4 water to make an extra-strong espresso and serve it in a traditional small cup.

"drink while it's hot" is a necessary condition for tasting delicious coffee, even on a hot summer day. When the coffee is cold, the flavor decreases. So when brewing coffee, in order not to reduce the taste of coffee, it is necessary to heat the coffee in boiling water in advance. The appropriate temperature for coffee is 83 degrees Celsius at the moment of brewing, and the temperature to the mouth is 61-62 degrees Celsius, which is the most ideal.

When tasting delicious coffee, you should not only pay attention to the appropriate temperature, but also have the right amount. Drinking coffee is not like drinking alcohol or fruit juice. A full cup of coffee will lose interest in drinking it. Generally, it is only seven or eight minutes slow for the right amount. Moderate coffee will not only stimulate the taste, but will not feel greasy after drinking, but endless aftertaste. At the same time, the right amount of coffee can moderately promote the body to recover from fatigue and refresh the mind.

Coffee has different flavors, so you can't drink three or four cups in a row like tea or cola. The average amount of coffee to drink is 80-100 ml. Sometimes if you want to drink three or four cups in a row, you have to dilute the concentration of the coffee, or add a lot of milk. However, it is still necessary to increase or decrease the concentration of coffee according to the degree of physical demand, and there might as well be more changes in the allocation of sugar to make the coffee more delicious.

Coffee individualism


Like coffee that is not sour, bitter, mellow and fragrant, the most suitable beans are Brazil and the Blue Mountains of Jamaica.


For those who have a strong personality, a clear distinction between love and hate, and those who need shock and excitement, you might as well choose heavily roasted and deep-fried coffee beans, such as Manning, Java, or very personality Italian coffee espresso.


To appreciate the changes in coffee, you can try acidic beans, such as mocha, Colombia, Guatemala, Clemangaro, with the remaining temperature of mellow and sweet.


For those who only regard coffee as a kind of life condiment and do not intend to spend too much thought on it, the simple comprehensive coffee, which combines the characteristics of all kinds of coffee beans in a furnace, can best cater to the preferences of the public. choosing this kind of coffee is most in line with the simple coffee mood.