Coffee review

Briefly describe the processing process of coffee beans what are the processing methods of coffee processing?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, There are three main methods of processing coffee: drying method, semi-dry treatment method and non-dry treatment method. The last method of treatment is adopted in Yunnan. The purpose of the treatment is to peel the coffee beans, reduce the water content of the coffee beans to a level suitable for preservation, and then deal with the coffee beans according to the market demand. Coffee fruit consists of exocarp, slimy pulp (mesocarp), and coffee beans.

There are three main methods of processing coffee: drying method, semi-dry treatment method and non-dry treatment method. The last method of treatment is adopted in Yunnan. The purpose of the treatment is to peel the coffee beans, reduce the water content of the coffee beans to a level suitable for preservation, and then deal with the coffee beans according to the market demand.

简述咖啡豆的加工过程 wbr wbr wbr wbr2011-12-12

Coffee fruit consists of exocarp, pulp with mucus (mesocarp) and coffee beans (endosperm). When the coffee fruit is ripe, the exocarp of the coffee turns red or yellow. Usually, a coffee fruit contains two coffee beans, each wrapped in a brown film similar to the color of parchment and a white film. In every step of processing coffee, a layer of skin of the coffee fruit is removed. In short, the peel and pulp are excluded in the first step; the mucus in the pulp is removed during fermentation (or machine treatment); and the brown film and white film on the outside of coffee beans are removed in the process of shelling and polishing during secondary drying. Coffee beans are graded according to their size and defects, and the remaining green beans are the delicious ingredients you enjoy in your cup of coffee every day.

简述咖啡豆的加工过程 wbr wbr wbr wbr2011-12-12