Coffee review

Brazilian Coffee (SANTOS)

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Brazil is the world's first coffee producer, the coffee produced, mild flavor, slightly sour, slightly bitter, as the representative of neutral coffee. Acidity and bitterness can be blended by baking. Moderate roasting has a mild aroma and moderate taste, while deep roasting has a strong bitter taste. It is an indispensable variety of mild coffee. Rich in coffee beans from Brazil, there is a sour taste in the taste

Brazil is the world's first coffee producer, coffee produced by the flavor of mild, slightly sour, slightly bitter, neutral coffee representative. Acidity and bitterness can be blended by roasting. Moderate roasting has a soft aroma and moderate taste. Deep roasting has a strong bitterness. It is an indispensable variety for blending mild coffee.

From Brazil, a coffee bean rich selection of the best, taste with a strong sour taste, with coffee sweet and bitter taste, very smooth entrance, but also with a touch of grass aroma, in the fragrance slightly bitter, sweet smooth smooth, the remaining taste can make people comfortable.

Deep roast espresso 60cc; sugar 20g. Put sugar in the cup and pour coffee. This is typical Brazilian coffee. Put enough granulated sugar in a small cup and drink it without stirring, so that you can enjoy the final sweetness of coffee at the end of the drink.