Coffee review

Pure Vietnamese iced coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Drinking coffee is a daily habit of the Vietnamese. Vietnamese coffee is not brewed in a coffee pot, but through a special dripping coffee cup, drop by drop, enjoy the wonderful time.

Vietnamese iced coffee is smooth and mellow, with a milky fragrance. Therefore, in this hot summer day, Vietnamese iced coffee has become a new hot. Drinking coffee is a daily habit of Vietnamese people. Vietnamese coffee is not brewed in a coffee pot, but through a special drip coffee cup, drop by drop, enjoy the wonderful time.

Required Materials:

Medium size coffee powder (avoid excessive residue when dripping);

Drip pot; condensed milk; ice cubes (make sure you have enough at one time, because coffee is hot and then cold to give off its ultimate flavor)

The bubble method is as follows:

1. Pour 3 to 4 teaspoons of condensed milk into a glass and set aside.

2. Put 4 teaspoons of coffee powder (about 12 grams) in the drip pot and shake the pot gently to distribute the coffee powder evenly.

(The amount of condensed milk and coffee powder can be added according to personal taste)

3, gently tighten the filter pot tablet, the tighter the tablet is rotated, the slower the coffee dripping speed.

4. Place the dripper with the pressed tablet above the glass, inject a small amount of hot water from 96℃ to 100℃, wait for about 30 seconds, and let the coffee powder fully absorb water and expand. At this time, the coffee has begun to drip.

5. Continue to pour five or six minutes full of hot water and cover it. Ideally, coffee is dripped at a rate of 65 drops per minute in five or six minutes. This process is critical, too fast or too slow, indicating a problem with the gouache ratio, tablet tightness, or water temperature, which may lead to too light, bitter, or early cooling.

6. After the coffee is filtered, put the ice into the cup and stir the coffee gently at a constant speed. When the coffee, condensed milk and ice are completely fused, you can enjoy it.

It takes seven minutes to make an authentic Vietnamese iced coffee. However, Vietnamese people with gentle personalities have such a good temper every day, patiently waiting for a cup of coffee to drip out before enjoying it slowly.