Coffee review

What are the eight principles of cup testing?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The first principle: [clean], clean when light, and clean when strong. It's like a room, it's easy to be clean when it's empty, but it has to be clean when it's full. The second principle: [spindle flavor], that is, it represents the characteristics of this region. Cleanliness is the foundation, and an unclean cup of coffee represents a flaw, but clean coffee can easily become tasteless.

The first principle: [clean], clean when light, and clean when strong.

It's like a room, it's easy to be clean when it's empty, but it has to be clean when it's full.

The second principle: [spindle flavor], that is, it represents the characteristics of this region. Cleanliness is the foundation, and an unclean cup of coffee represents a flaw, but clean coffee can easily become tasteless, so it must have a main flavor. The taste of this spindle is from hot to cold, any cooking method, any baking degree. No shallow baking, no deep baking or no shallow baking, and the same is true of cooking.

The third principle: [location], if there is a taste, there must be a place. If you say there is a smell of wild flowers, please mark the location of the smell. If it cannot be marked, then the taste may only be a written description of the cup test report. It's just your imagination.

The fourth principle [moving path], the smell will not just be fixed in a certain position, the taste will move. If it is fixed in a certain position, then the smell is dead, and if it is the same from beginning to end, it is also dead. Good coffee is alive and leaves a foot in every place where it feels.

The fifth principle-[hierarchy]. [layer] is hierarchical arrangement, [times] is orderly. It's an orderly arrangement. [hierarchy] includes at least 8 categories. Thickness, depth, weight, strength, thickness, width, rigidity and softness. Sticky thin

The sixth principle [richness and complexity], the so-called [richness]-the rich are more beautiful, and the rich are more beautiful, which refers to [sufficient and beautiful taste], [complexity], heavy repetition and chaos, which means [similar and messy taste]. All the good tastes are called rich, and the five tastes are called complex.

The seventh principle-texture, the so-called texture refers to-temperament, personality, texture, touch and so on. If you use the analogy of cloth, it will be more clear-silk, Luo, silk, satin, silk, velvet, cotton, hemp, cashmere, wool, acrylic cloth, polyester fiber, etc., different materials have different texture personality. it also distinguishes advanced, ordinary, gorgeous, simple, elegant, rough and so on.

The eighth principle-[coordination], the so-called "coordination" means that there is a day and an earth, a front and a back, a top and a bottom, a head and a tail, a left and a right.