Coffee review

How to drink coffee? how to drink coffee? what's so particular about drinking coffee?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, When the coffee is ready, you can first pour a cup of coffee and ask about the taste of coffee and snacks: sometimes you can have some snacks when drinking coffee, but don't alternate between eating and drinking coffee cups in one hand and refreshments in the other. When drinking coffee, you should put down the snack, and when you eat the snack, you should put down the coffee cup and taste the coffee. Coffee has different flavors, so it can't be like tea or cola.

When the coffee is ready, you can first pour a cup of coffee and ask about the taste of coffee and snacks: sometimes you can have some snacks when drinking coffee, but don't alternate between eating and drinking coffee cups in one hand and refreshments in the other. When drinking coffee, you should put down the snack, and when you eat the snack, you should put down the coffee cup and taste the coffee. Coffee has different flavors, so you can't drink three or four cups in a row like tea or cola, but the formal coffee cup is the best. Ordinary coffee to 80-100cc for the right amount, sometimes if you want to drink three or four cups in a row, then it is necessary to dilute the concentration of coffee, or add a lot of milk, but still take into account the degree of physical needs, to add or reduce the concentration of coffee, that is, do not cause greasy or nauseous feeling, and in the allocation of sugar might as well be more changes to make the coffee more delicious. Drinking hot coffee is a necessary condition for tasting delicious coffee, even on a hot summer day.

Coffee in the reception: treat guests to coffee at home, as the host, do not help the guests, especially when the guests are also coffee lovers, let them do it themselves or add milk or sugar, which also shows respect for the taste of the guests. Because they are very particular about it. In addition, you should carefully prepare a cup of cold boiled water for connoisseurs who know how to drink coffee, so that guests can taste the coffee alternately between cold boiled water and coffee.