Coffee review

N ways to give coffee grounds

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Natural insect repellent: mixing coffee grounds in potted soil can effectively prevent plant pests and is very environmentally friendly. Natural detergent: mix coffee grounds with detergent to remove stubborn stains from tableware. Coffee grounds have a strong adsorption, and stubborn stains that are usually difficult to scrub off are easily washed off. In addition, coffee grounds can also absorb peculiar smell.

Natural insect repellent: mixing coffee grounds in potted soil can effectively prevent plant pests and is very environmentally friendly.

Natural detergent: mix coffee grounds with detergent to remove stubborn stains from tableware. Coffee grounds have a strong adsorption, and stubborn stains that are usually difficult to scrub off are easily washed off. In addition, coffee grounds can also absorb peculiar smell, and the residual odor of food on tableware can also be easily removed.

Natural deodorant: coffee grounds are dried and packed in nonwoven tea bags or gauze bags and put in the refrigerator instead of commercial refrigerator deodorant. Or you can pour the coffee grounds directly into the ashtray, which can effectively remove the unpleasant smell of soot volatilization and purify the indoor air.

Natural scrub powder: mix coffee grounds in soap or shower gel instead of scrub to massage the skin. It has the effect of cleaning pores and exfoliating.