Coffee review

Italian coffee pull flower love pattern

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Heart-shaped coffee pattern is widely used in a wide range of fields, and it is also a favorite coffee pattern for most baristas. It is relatively simple and conservative to ensure the success rate and yield. However, the basic skills reflected by a perfect heart-shaped coffee flower are obvious! Therefore, to test a barista's flower drawing skills, the heart shape is undoubtedly the most difficult. To be perfect and intentional.

Heart-shaped coffee flower is widely used, and it is also a favorite coffee pattern for most baristas. It is relatively simple and "conservative" to ensure the success rate and yield. However, the basic skills reflected by a perfect heart-shaped coffee flower are obvious! Therefore, to test a barista's flower drawing skills, the heart shape is undoubtedly the most difficult. To make a perfect coffee flower with "artistic conception", it is crucial to practice the basic skills of heart shape. I would like to share with you the six key steps of heart-shaped flower drawing.

1. Select injection point

After the milk foam is shaken up and down and shaken left and right fully, the straight line extending downward from the mouth of the cup is perpendicular to the straight line extending forward by the handle of the coffee cup, and it is injected at 3 points of the diameter of the cup mouth.

two。 Punctured quickly

During injection, the small flow rate is kept vertical and the flow velocity is controlled, and the espresso grease layer is punctured quickly. At this time, the "circle method" / "left and right moving method" can be used for small flow fusion.

3. Look, whiten up.

Fusion is a process of stability and repair, which can be understood as a method in the early stage of "Meitu". The amount of fusion can be selected according to the pattern created, but pay attention to the whitening points caused by the foam in the process.

4. Increase flow

After the whitening point appears, the injection flow rate needs to be increased and maintained, and the foam flows out of the cylinder mouth in a certain Radian, and swings evenly at a distance of about 1cm. The speed of the frequency leads to the effect of layers and lines.

5. Pattern formation

With the flow and swing, the heart-shaped pattern gradually takes shape, in this critical process, do not move the flower cylinder "back" during the swing, which will cause the pattern to become "leaf" or "long heart".

6. Straight line ending

Whether it is the heart shape created by segmented injection, or the heart shape produced by delicate embossing, when the pattern creation is completed, it is necessary to increase the flow rate of the drawing cylinder, just like the vertical injection, ending in a straight line.