Coffee review

Mocha pot Italian coffee utensils

Published: 2024-05-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/05/20, Moka Pot the basic principle of the mocha pot uses pressurized hot water to quickly extract coffee liquid through coffee powder. The earliest mocha pot was made by Italian Alfonso Bialetti in 1933, and his company, Bialetti, has always been famous for producing this kind of coffee pot. Mocha coffee pots are commonly used in Europe. The mocha pot is divided into two parts, with water in the lower half.

Mocha pot (Moka Pot)

The basic principle of mocha pot is to use pressurized hot water to quickly extract coffee liquid through coffee powder. The earliest mocha pot was made by Italian Alfonso Bialetti in 1933, and his company, Bialetti, has always been famous for producing this kind of coffee pot. Mocha coffee pots are commonly used in Europe.

The mocha pot is divided into two parts: the water is put in the lower part to boil and boil to produce vapor pressure; the boiling water rises and passes through the filter pot containing coffee powder; when the coffee flows to the upper half, turn down the fire, if the temperature is too high, the coffee will smell scorched.

Considerations for use:

1. Water level: use warm water and the water level is 0.5 cm below the safety valve. The safety valve will automatically relieve pressure when the lower pot pressure is too high, in order to prevent safety accidents. If the water level is higher than the safety valve, the function of the safety valve can not play normally.

2. Coffee powder: coffee powder is medium-fine-grained and filled with powder trough. when filling the powder, vibrate the powder trough properly so that the coffee powder is evenly distributed. after filling it, gently press the surface with your fingers to make the powder denser.