Coffee review

How to systematically learn coffee knowledge Daquan coffee common sense

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The improvement of coffee skills comes from persistent repeated practice and profound theoretical support. To learn coffee, comprehensive and systematic learning is very important. Beginners can learn coffee knowledge and skills in a modular way. I personally think that: 1. Coffee grinding, common areas: cup test, single product, Italian style; 2, coffee extraction, common collar

The improvement of coffee skills comes from persistent repeated practice and profound theoretical support. Learning coffee, comprehensive and systematic learning is very important, beginners can coffee knowledge and skills training modular learning, I think: learning to pay attention to the following five modules:

1. Coffee grinding, common areas: cup test, single product, Italian style

2. Extraction of coffee, common areas: single product, blending, Italian style

3. Coffee flower-pulling, common areas: Italian style, tradition, creativity

4. Coffee cup test, common areas: roasting, tasting, flavor

5. Coffee roasting, common areas: raw beans, quality, market