Coffee review

The brewing of coffee

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, A) General principles for brewing coffee ① use freshly roasted coffee beans, which can be stored for no more than a week, preferably roasted within an hour. ② stores coffee beans in containers that hide from the light. ③ freshly ground coffee beans before blending. ④ should be called to leave the tap water for a few seconds before use, and then use the fresh cold water that has just flowed out of the faucet. Boil the water, but not for too long

① uses freshly roasted coffee beans, which can be stored for no longer than a week, preferably within an hour.

② stores coffee beans in containers that hide from the light.

③ freshly ground coffee beans before blending.

④ should be called to leave the tap water for a few seconds before use, and then use the fresh cold water that has just flowed out of the faucet. Boil the water, but not for too long (50-60 seconds), and do not pour boiling water on the coffee.

⑥ uses your favorite method-- pistons, drips, or whatever-- to make sure the coffee has enough time to brew.

⑦ is ready to drink.

⑧ must remember to preheat the cup before pouring in the coffee.

B) siphon impulse adjustment

Robert Nabil, a British marine engineer, invented the principle of siphon coffee maker as early as 1840, but it was not until the early 20th century that it developed into its present form.

The siphon brewing method uses the principle of steam pressure to make the heated cup flow upward through the siphon and filter cloth from a sympathetic beaker, and then mix with the coffee powder in the upper cup to completely quench the ingredients. The quenched coffee liquid, after removing the source of fire, flows back to the next cup. As the brewing process is full of performance fun, but also can enjoy the coffee quenching process, so it can add to the atmosphere of drinking coffee.

Before heating the siphon coffee pot, the water droplets on the outside of the pot must be wiped thoroughly to prevent the kettle from breaking unevenly after heating. The coffee pot must be rinsed with clean water immediately after use to prevent any residual coffee oil from sticking to the pot wall, then placed in clean water and stored in the refrigerator.

① inject proper boiled water into the flask (about 140CC per cup). Because the coffee powder absorbs water, there should be more water.

② fastens the filter cloth to the top of the cup. The new filter cloth should be boiled with coffee grounds before use.

After the hot water in the flask such as ③ begins to boil, place the upper cup on the flask to make the boiling water flow to the upper cup.

Add a little cold water to ④ to cool the boiling water to about 90 ℃.

⑤ add the coffee powder and stir with a wooden spoon to fully blend the coffee powder with boiling water.

⑥ stir and let stand for 45 to 60 seconds, then turn off the heat to allow the coffee to flow back to the flask.

C) drip type adjustment (ice drop type)

Water drop coffee is also known as Dutch coffee. The earliest primitive form of the dripping pot was invented by Archbishop D'Bello of Paris in the early 19th century.

This method of brewing coffee is to use cold water or ice water to quench the coffee essence slowly, like water droplets, at a rate of about 40 drops per minute. As the speed is very slow, we should choose deep-fried and ground coffee powder to quench. This kind of coffee brewed for a long time contains very low caffeine. Therefore, it tastes particularly refreshing. In ordinary cafes, the price of water drop word-of-mouth is three times that of ordinary ice, and you have to make an appointment in advance.

① add ice first, then pour in cold boiled water. Do not inject boiling water directly.

② first stir-fry and grind the coffee powder, pour it into a cylinder filter, and then gently press the coffee powder to fix it.

③ fixed the round filter paper for the water drop coffee maker in the cylinder filter.

④ installs the cylinder filter and filter tube of coffee powder and filter paper so that the filter is fixed on the bench.

After the ⑤ fixed the cylinder filter, the kettle that had been filled with ice water was also fixed on the bench.

⑥ adjusts the amount of water of the drip suppository and drips at a rate of about 40 drops per minute, which is completed in about 5 to 6 hours.

D) espresso brewing

Italians drink 33 million cups of coffee a year, which means the average person consumes up to 600 cups of coffee. In the early 20th century, the world's first commercial coffee distiller was born in Milan. But it wasn't until 1930 that another Italian, Gaja, invented a spring-powered piston lever distiller, which maximized the taste and concentration of coffee, and the process was so short that there was no time for coffee to become bitter or spoil.

Now people can have a cup of coffee in a cafe on their way to work. In Europe and the United States, fashionably dressed white-collar workers often drink breakfast in small porcelain cups in small espresso cafes before hurrying to work.

Mocha coffee pot, also known as espresso pot, or Napolitana coffee pot, is a kind of utensil for brewing coffee on the fire. It's strong and dexterous, and you may have seen it in an Italian kitchen. The coffee pot consists of two parts, the water is placed in the lower container, the pressure causes the water to flow through the coffee into the upper container, and then poured out of this window. Although it is clever and lovely, it has only a few advantages of piston pots and drip filters.

E) filter paper punching

Before the invention of filter paper coffee pots, people used sacks or metal mesh as filters when making coffee. But these methods can cause subtle coffee grounds to fall into the cup, which in turn affects the taste. In addition, coffee grounds are often left on the filter, which is unhygienic and destroys the original delicacy of the coffee. So at this time, people do everything possible to drink more delicious coffee.

Until 1908, Melita Binz, a housewife living in Dres, Germany, invented a filter coffee maker for her husband, who was addicted to coffee. Because the filter paper can filter out all coffee grounds and throw it away every time it is used, there will be no problem of "residual coffee grounds". From then on, people can easily drink clear and mellow coffee.

When using filter paper coffee pot, you should choose finely ground coffee powder. If you use very fine ground coffee powder, it will block the filter hole of the filter paper and soak the coffee powder for too long, thus affecting the taste. For example, with medium and coarse ground coffee powder, because the particles are larger and the flow of water is faster, it is impossible to completely quench the aromatic alcohol components in the coffee. In addition, when choosing a hot kettle, you should choose a kettle with a smaller spout.

① bends the bottom of the filter paper with the sealing line next to it so that the filter paper can be glued to the pot.

② wets the filter paper evenly with hot water, so that the filter paper can stick smoothly to the wall of the pot.

Add coffee powder to ③. Coffee powder should be evenly distributed and a hole should be dug in the center.

④ will start the boiling water from the center, slowly pour on the coffee powder, and then wet the coffee powder.

⑤ waits for the coffee powder to evaporate and expand, and when the inflated part begins to sink, you can inject water again.

When ⑥ is injected for the second time, it should be injected slowly and in one go from the inside to the outside in a spiral way.

F) Piston kettle method (French filter kettle)

This is a pretty good way to make coffee. Many people like to make coffee in this way, because it preserves all the flavor, while other methods are difficult to do this, and even make the coffee taste like filter paper. The piston pot used in the pressurization method is said to have been invented by an Italian named Kahliman in 1933. In order to escape Italy during the war, he sold his designs and patents to Switzerland.

The method of using a piston kettle is very simple. First preheat the pot, put in the roasted coffee (about 5 grams per cup), add hot water and stir, soak for 4 to 5 minutes, then push down the stainless steel piston with mesh to separate the coffee powder from the liquid, and finally pour the coffee juice from the piston pot.

You will find that the piston pot method can easily dispose of the coffee residue, so that you can fully enjoy the 100% flavor of the coffee. Another advantage is that there are so many models to choose from, so when you make breakfast coffee, you don't have to use an eight-cup pot. Its only disadvantage is that it can't keep warm.

G) Belgian kettle flushing

There is a kind of cooker called Belgian coffee pot, which is said to be used by European princes and aristocrats in the past. Coffee brewed in a Belgian coffee pot has many disadvantages. First of all, when using this coffee pot, the coffee powder must be put in at the beginning of brewing, and the pot containing the coffee powder is next to the alcohol lamp, and the coffee powder is already overheated by the time the water boils. Second, the pot containing coffee powder has a lid that cannot stir the soaked coffee powder. As a result, some coffee powder may not be touched with water from beginning to end. Third, its alcohol lamp goes out automatically after the water boils, and there is no way to control the soaking time.

If you don't want to collect it, but just want to see how cool it is, it's enough to go to a cafe and order a pot to have fun.

Mocha pot

Strictly speaking, the Italian mocha kettle is not an appliance for brewing Espresso, because the vapor pressure provided is only 1: 1 to 2 to 3 atmospheric pressure, and the cooking time is too long to meet the requirements of Espresso. But because it is cheap, easy to operate, unique and diverse in shape.

Although the appearance of the mocha pot is flattering, simple and light, but if you take a closer look at its brewing principle, it is not a good coffee brewer. This cooking method is easy to burn coffee powder and extract bitter substances.

We emphasize that the reason why Espresso is the most ideal coffee brewing method in the world is that it takes the perfect balance of pressure and resistance as the core of the brewing principle and completely extracts all the aromatic substances from the coffee. On the other hand, the coffee powder in the coffee cake is unfilled and cannot compete with the strong pressure that helps to create, making the water flow through the coffee powder easily.