Coffee review

Make a Starbucks cappuccino

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Illustration: cappuccino belongs to espresso. The coffee from the Italian coffee machine is rich in glycol, but relatively speaking, the practice is more complicated. Generally speaking, after professional training, a considerable level of fragrant Espresso can be extracted. If you have your own espresso machine, practice it in the way that Starbucks Professional Coffee offers. Note: dry cappuccino bubble

Illustration: cappuccino belongs to espresso. The coffee from the Italian coffee machine is rich in glycol, but relatively speaking, the practice is more complicated. Generally speaking, after professional training, a considerable level of fragrant Espresso can be extracted. If you have your own espresso machine, practice it in the way that Starbucks Professional Coffee offers.

Note: dry cappuccino has more foam than steamed milk, and wet cappuccino has more steamed milk than foam.

Illustration: step two, pour in the milk.

Illustration: the third step, steaming milk, the steam head needs to be inserted below the liquid level, and the temperature is controlled at about 66-77 degrees Celsius (150-170 degrees Fahrenheit).

Illustration: the fourth step is to clean the steam head immediately after steaming milk, otherwise the steam hole will be blocked by milk stains.

Illustration: step 5, pour the coffee powder into the coffee powder trough.

Illustration: step 6, tamp the coffee powder in the coffee powder trough.

Illustration: step 7, timing the coffee extract into the shot cup (la Marzocco) for 18 to 23 seconds.

Illustration: step 8, pour a cup of coffee extract into the coffee cup.

Illustration: step 9, pour the steamed milk into the coffee cup.

Illustration: step 10, add foam and a cappuccino is done.