Coffee review

Barista occupation level

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Barista qualification is divided into four levels: junior baristas (professional level 3), intermediate baristas (professional level 2) and senior baristas (professional level 1) coffee technicians (the highest professional level)

Intermediate barista (occupation level 2)

And Senior baristas (occupation level 1)

Coffee technician (highest professional rank)

The scope of personnel implementing vocational qualification certificates:

1. Professional service personnel who specialize in coffee making and grinding

2. People who specialize in the screening and appreciation of coffee

3. Specialize in industry research and coffee culture promotion

4. Staff engaged in coffee industry

Declaration conditions

1. Junior baristas (those who have one of the following conditions can apply for junior vocational qualifications)

① has reached the prescribed standard number of class hours through the primary formal training of this profession, and obtained the certificate of completion.

② expires as an apprentice in this profession. This profession has worked as an apprentice for more than 2 years.

2. Intermediate baristas (those who have one of the following conditions can declare intermediate vocational qualifications)

① has obtained the professional qualification certificate of junior baristas and has been engaged in coffee work for more than 3 years. After formal training of baristas, he has reached the required class hours and obtained a certificate of completion.

② has obtained the professional qualification certificate of junior barista and has been engaged in coffee work for more than 5 years.

③ has been engaged in coffee work for more than 7 years.

④ has obtained a vocational (professional) diploma from a vocational school above secondary level, which has been examined and approved by the administrative department of the Department of Labor and Social Security and aims at intermediate skills.

3. Senior baristas (those who have one of the following conditions can apply for advanced professional qualifications)

① has obtained the professional qualification certificate of barista, has been engaged in coffee work for more than one year, and has reached the prescribed standard class hours through the formal training of senior baristas.

② has been engaged in coffee work for more than 2 years and has reached the required standard class hours after formal training by senior baristas.