Coffee review

The three main factors affecting Coffee Coffee Teaching Coffee Teaching and Learning Coffee

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, 1. The quality of water do you like the smell of tap water in your house? This is a very serious problem. Maybe you live in a big city where the tap water filtration system is so advanced that the quality of the water you use is even comparable to that of bottled water; maybe you live in the suburbs and the tap water filtration system is old and the tap water always has a strange smell. Unless the tap water you live in is of high quality,

1. The quality of water

Do you like the smell of tap water in your house? This is a very serious problem. Maybe you live in a big city where the tap water filtration system is so advanced that the quality of the water you use is even comparable to that of bottled water; maybe you live in the suburbs and the tap water filtration system is old and the tap water always has a strange smell. Unless the tap water you live in is of high quality, you must use a water filtration system when making coffee. Installing a water filtration system may require an additional investment, but it is absolutely guaranteed that your boutique coffee will not contain any negative taste of chlorine or other chemicals.

two。 Gouache ratio

Have you ever used the same coffee machine or drip coffee maker to make the same coffee, but the taste of the coffee is different? This may be due to the different amount of water you use to make coffee each time. Although now

People have different preferences for coffee taste, but according to the guidance of professional coffee machine manufacturers, you should use 9-12 grams of coffee powder and 240 milliliters of water when making espresso.

3. Water temperature

What is the ideal water temperature for brewing coffee? The answer is 92-97 ℃. If you don't have a thermometer, remember that the temperature of the water that is about to boil is 97-99 ℃. At present, many devices on the market have their own constant temperature function, but you still need to double-check to make sure the water temperature is accurate.