Coffee review

The way coffee is brewed.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, [characteristics] the simplest way to brew coffee. The filter paper can be discarded immediately after being used once, which is more sanitary and easy to clean up. The amount of boiled water and the method of injection can also be adjusted. One person can also brew, which is the best way to brew a small number of people. The focus of brewing coffee is similar to that of cloth bag brewing, choosing coffee beans that have been roasted for a long time to grind into powder for five minutes.


The simplest way to make coffee. The filter paper can be discarded immediately after being used once, which is more sanitary and easy to clean up. The amount of boiled water and the method of injection can also be adjusted. One person can also brew, which is the best way to brew a small number of people. The focus of brewing coffee is similar to that of cloth bag brewing, choosing coffee beans that have been roasted for a long time to grind into powder and brew out the ingredients in the coffee in five minutes. If you like to drink lighter coffee, the amount of coffee beans can be slightly increased, but the particles need to be ground larger, and the brewing time needs to be shortened. Filter paper should be used with filters, which are usually made of plastic and pottery, but if you want to maintain the temperature of boiling water, it is better to use plastic, which is less likely to conduct heat than ceramic. The filter and filter paper can be made in different sizes according to the amount of coffee brewed.

[about apparatus]

The drip can be divided into two holes and three holes. If you use the three-hole style here, you will have it for two or three hundred yuan. Then if you want to have filter paper, you can have it in the supermarket, just a few dozen yuan. The spout for injecting boiled water should be small enough to make the boiling water pour vertically on the coffee powder, which is more appropriate.

[key points of brewing]

● coffee powder is about 10-12 grams per person, while boiled water is 120 cc.

● people who like light coffee can brew it with a powder amount of about eight grams per person.

● likes bitterness, the amount of flour can be 12 grams per person, fully steamed and then slowly injected with boiling water.

The kettle used to inject hot water in ● is easier to operate if it is injected for about seven or eight minutes, and the amount of boiling water is more and more accurate. You can measure the beaker while dripping the required amount of coffee liquid.

Do not drop the extract filtered by ● to the last drop, and stop in the residual state (if all the drops may have smells or impurities, etc.).

● heats the beaker without boiling it and then injects it into the coffee cup.

● 's approach is the same as Syphon's, and technology is important. At first, the coffee may be very sour, because in addition to poor control of water output, the quality of the coffee itself (freshness... etc) and particle size are also important factors.

[brewing method]

1. The next part of the filter paper is along the seam.

Partially fold and put into the drip.

2. Use a measuring spoon to refine the coffee powder

Number of people (about 10 ~ 12g per person)

Enter the leak and tap the starting table a few more times.

The face is flat.

3. Boil the river in a teapot and pour in the fines.

In the spout kettle, gently from the center point

Injection of boiled water (the water temperature is about 95 degrees), slow

Slowly start boiling water in a spiral way and

Until it's covered with powdered coffee. Be sure to take your time

Pour it in.

4. Flavor to extract the delicious ingredients,

Steam the coffee powder until it expands.

A moment (about 20 seconds)

5. The second boiling water, from coffee powder

The surface is slowly injected. water injection

How much must be used with the amount of coffee extracted

The amount is consistent, and the amount of boiled water in the filter paper is guaranteed.

Hold on.

6. Number of persons receiving extract

Stop immediately, residue in filter paper

Discard it in boiling water.

Brewing with flannel filter Show coffee to its maximum flavor----


Flannel filters make coffee that tastes good and is ideal. The advantage of using flannel filters is that you don't have to stir the coffee in the bag, you can make all the coffee come into contact with the boiling water, the coffee will foam after expansion, and gradually filter down. The key is to determine the amount of coffee powder, and thus determine the amount of boiling water to be mixed. When brewing, pour boiling water into the filter to stay in the time, control for about five minutes, water thin, slowly add. Through the filter, all the coffee ingredients will be completely brewed out. Special attention should be paid to the arrangement and storage of cloth filters, otherwise the coffee taste will be low.

[Preparations before brewing]

● Coffee powder will expand after boiling water is injected, so choose a larger filter later.

● The lint of the filter screen is made outside, and the wrinkles are straightened after the water is fully wrung out.

[About the storage of flannel filter]

When using a new flannel filter, there will be residual paste or smell on the smell removal cloth, which can be washed with a brush (soap or soap powder cannot be used at this time. Boil the used coffee powder in water for five minutes before washing with water.

[Storage method of flannel filter]

Filter cloth should be cleaned well with water after use. In order to prevent oxidation, water should be added to the refrigerator. And must suffer from water every day, otherwise it will cause scale cloth eye blockage. When in use, brew with warm boiled water, and then fully wrung out before use.

[Brewing method]

1. The cloth should be on the inside, and about 10 ~ 12g of coffee powder per person should be put into the filter cloth. Then flatten the coffee powder.

2. The boiling water temperature of shallow roasted coffee is about 95 degrees, while deep roasting is lower. At first, it is injected like a thin line, while controlling the amount of boiling water, it is injected in a circle. The time when coffee powder is stewed for 20 seconds after bubbling must be "suspended". After the second time, the same amount of boiled water was injected into the center, from the center to the outside and back to the center.

3. Don't let the boiled water drop completely, just inject it according to the number of people, and take it out when the boiling water remains in the filter cloth.

4. at the end of extraction, the degree to which the coffee liquid should be heated without boiling when the temperature decreases. Shake gently and pour into the cup.

Drip coffee maker take some time to enjoy the pleasure of making coffee-


Use cold water and take some time to pull it out. If you are ready the night before, you can enjoy the fragrant morning coffee the next day. Be careful not to make hot coffee boil when drinking it.

[preparation before brewing]

In order to keep the speed of the drip unchanged during the extraction process, the bolt part should be relaxed. Coffee beans have been roasted deeply and ground better.

[brewing method]

1. Put the amount of coffee powder calculated according to the number of people into the drip and squeeze it gently, then pour in a small amount of water to soak it all.

2. Put a drip on the beaker and fill the trough with a portion of water. (about 300-350 cc for three people).

3. The lid is closed. In the case of this appliance, it takes three to four hours to make coffee.

4. When drinking coffee, remove the lid, bucket trough and drip and pour it into the beaker to add fire, so as not to pour the boiling degree into the cup.

Steam pressurized coffee maker Italian flavor-


The steam pressurized coffee maker is characterized by the use of steam pressure to extract the coffee liquid in an instant. The basic of all kinds of bitter steam coffee has become more popular with the increase of the years.

[preparation before brewing]

In order to improve the extraction effect, ● should press the coffee powder in the bucket, but not the steam in the upper half of the kettle.

Make it miss, and cover it well.

● is used with the number of people. It is necessary to use a capacity appliance larger than the number of people, and if the vapor pressure is weak, the coffee drawn

It will be less delicious.

[brewing method]

1. Pour the required amount of boiled water into the lower half of the bag, then gently squeeze the deep baked language grinding bucket, about 6-8 grams per person, from the top.

2. The upper part of the pot and bucket are combined with the lower part of the pot. Especially in the upper half of the pot must be well fastened.

3. The equipment guy after the group. When the boiled water in the lower half of the kettle boils, the water pipe will rise and take it off the fire after bearing the air. The coffee liquid from the powder that was sprayed up in the upper half of the kettle through hot water will be drawn.

4. the utensils are very hot, so we should pay attention to the quilt

Evelick's traditional Turkish coffee-


Turkish coffee stream, just called Yvlik coffee utensils with long handles.

[extracted key points]

● cook three times, avoid the fire before boiling, and add a small amount of water.

[brewing method]

1. Prepare coffee beans for deep roasting (about 5 grams per person) and grind them into powder in a mortar (or mill).

2. Coffee powder for as many people as you need, plus the right amount of boiling water. Add the spices at the same time.

3. Then turn on a small fire, remove the state before boiling after bubbling, add some water, and then add fire after boiling. Repeat this for three times.

4. The coffee powder in Yvlik sank and was quietly poured into the cup.

Siphon coffee boilers enjoy the atmosphere-


The main principle is to use PV=nRT

The ideal gas equation, under a fixed volume, heat the steam pressure of boiling water, press boiling water into the upper layer to make coffee through a glass tube, and then cool the lower layer in a similar vacuum to absorb the coffee already brewed in the upper layer, and filter the dregs with the filter paper in the middle. This kind of siphon coffee brewer is different from the general filter, its key point is that in order to make the coffee and boiling water can be completely mixed, it is necessary to use a bamboo spoon to stir in the boiling water of the coffee powder. You can enjoy the coffee while watching the extraction process, which is the charm of the rainbow tube. It can also be used as an ornament. It's just that compared with the dripping type, the operation is a little complicated.

[about apparatus]

It's troublesome in management, but I'll get better after I get used to it. Therefore, care should be taken not to break the glass. After use, the filter should be cleaned carefully and soaked in water. And keep it in the fridge.

[preparation before brewing]

After the boiling water at the bottom of the ● is completely boiled, the upper part is inserted. Insert too early to get the coffee out properly.

● stirs the boiling water and coffee powder properly in a short time. Spending too much time will muddy the coffee and fade the aroma.


[brewing method]

Add hot water to the coffee cup, and put more hot water in the pot than in the N cup.

First heat the pot until it boils.

Then insert the pot (when the water boils to make it rise).

When the water is not rising, remove the fire and stir in the pot to soak the coffee powder evenly into the water.

Stir about five times, move the fire into the heat, and the clock starts.

Time about 30 seconds, then move the fire away, stir up about five times, and then move the fire in (the clock is uninterrupted).

It takes a total of about a minute (stop the clock) to remove the fire and wipe off the pot with a semi-wet cloth (when the water drops immediately).

When the water drops completely, go to the pot and move the pot into the fire.

After hearing the sound of three blisters, remove the fire and turn it off.

Pour out the cup with hot water and pour the coffee until it is eight minutes full.

Then add seasoning according to your personal preference.

PS: the total time of Blue Mountain is about 50 seconds, and the other minute is about one minute. After a minute and a half, there will be more bitterness, thicker and sour, stirring for about a second.

PS: the sixth step is to force the water away from the coffee powder, not to soak for too long, but to drink something else.

PS: lazy, you can omit the eighth step.

Electric coffee pot brews simple brewing


Install all the components such as filter paper filter cup, etc., and the electric coffee pot will automatically brew the coffee. The secret of brewing coffee lies in the control of time, that is, keeping 83 degrees Celsius within three minutes of brewing coffee, and the rest of the time, the temperature can be slightly lowered. As long as you can cooperate with all kinds of products, you can do it according to the instructions. However, it should be noted that when using an electric coffee pot, the coffee beans should not be broken too much, so as to avoid the coffee powder blocking the gap in the filter and making the coffee taste bad.

Filter circulating coffee pot for easy brewing-


When coffee is brewed by filter or steam, there is only one contact between coffee powder and boiling water, but when coffee is brewed in a filter circulating coffee pot, boiling water can come into contact with coffee powder several times and show a strong coffee flavor. When using a filter circulating coffee pot, first place a metal filter cup in the pot, then pour the boiling water into the pot, and then pour the coffee powder into the filter cup and heat it at the lower end of the pot. When the boiling water in the pot boils, it will rise through the only metal tube at the exit. Because the upper end is covered by a lid, the coffee liquid in the filter cup will drop and circulate.