Coffee review

Can I have coffee after pregnancy?

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, [guide] can I drink coffee when I'm pregnant? Many expectant mothers like to drink coffee before pregnancy, but can they still drink coffee after pregnancy? What are the effects of drinking coffee during pregnancy on maternal and fetal development?

I. caffeine

The benefits and possible harm of drinking coffee are closely related to caffeine. Caffeine is the main functional ingredient of coffee, generally insoluble in cold water, but easily soluble in hot water. Caffeine does not accumulate in the body and is excreted in urine a few hours later, so the effect on the body is transient, so a cup of coffee is usually short-lived, and many people have to drink it again and again. In addition to coffee, tea, cocoa, chocolate, cola drinks and some energy drinks also contain small amounts of caffeine.

The most obvious effect of caffeine is to refresh and energize people. This refreshing effect is not only related to brain excitement, but also related to psychological dependence, and has obvious characteristics that vary from person to person. Some people are sensitive to caffeine and have a particularly refreshing effect, which can even cause insomnia or difficulty falling asleep. Some people, especially those who drink coffee regularly, are less sensitive and sometimes don't even feel the refreshing effect. Is it really refreshing to drink coffee for a long time, or is it just a habitual psychological dependence? Sometimes it's hard to tell.


Can I have coffee after pregnancy?

Can I drink coffee when I'm pregnant? What are the effects of coffee on mothers and fetuses?

Can I drink coffee during pregnancy?

Drinking coffee during pregnancy increases the risk of miscarriage and low birth weight infants. If a pregnant woman drinks more than eight cups of coffee a day, the risk of stillbirth increases three times.

Pregnant women who drink more coffee can cause pregnancy induced hypertension. Pregnancy induced hypertension syndrome is a unique disease of pregnant women, patients with edema, hypertension and proteinuria, if not timely prevention and treatment, can endanger maternal and fetal safety. Drinking only a few cups of coffee a day will raise your blood pressure. For this reason, pregnant women should not drink coffee.

In addition, drinking coffee increases the risk of heart disease and high blood pressure, and can lead to addiction. Thus it can be seen that for the sake of eugenics and disease prevention and health care, women should not drink coffee too much for a long time.

Can I drink coffee when I'm pregnant? Judging from the above, it is better for expectant mothers not to drink coffee after pregnancy.