Coffee review

Leaf coffee pull flower skills pull flower jar selection leaf coffee pull flower contest pull flower master

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, 1. Select the point, in the coffee cup containing Espresso, select the center point to inject; 2. Flow, control the smaller flow, quickly inject, do not destroy the grease; 3. Move up, after small flow injection, move up, do not touch the inner wall of the coffee cup; 4. Increase, small flow control When moving up to the cup mouth, increase the flow to form convection; 5. Keep, increase

Flower-drawing skills of leaf-shaped coffee

1. Select the point, in the coffee cup containing Espresso, select the center point to inject

2. Flow rate, control small flow rate, inject quickly, do not destroy grease

3, move up, after a small flow is injected, move up, do not touch the inner wall of the coffee cup

4. Increase the flow rate to form "convection" when the small flow control is moved up to the "cup mouth".

5. keep, increase the flow, shake the vat left and right, cooperate with the arms and wrists

6. Swing, 1CM is appropriate when shaking, shake while retreating

7, the end, improve the pull vat, small flow end in a straight line.

In the practice of making flower drawing, develop good operating habits and try to keep each cup full without overflowing.