Coffee review

Introduce the Italian matching of household semi-automatic coffee machines which are popular in several coffee forums.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Vibrating pump professional handle 58 mm powder bowl using "pump and" this machine is also controversial in the coffee forum, mainly because it uses a heating block, opponents believe that the temperature of the heating block is not stable, supporters believe that it uses a large double heating block, enough to support the household. Personally, I played with my friends for a while, although I felt a little different from the machine of the big boiler.

Vibrating pump

Professional handle 58 mm powder bowl

Use "pump" and "add"

The machine is also controversial in coffee forums, mainly because it uses a heating block, which opponents say is not stable enough to support household use. Supporters say it uses large double heating blocks. I played with my friends for a while, although I felt there was a slight gap between the machine and the big boiler, but I didn't have to spend half an hour waiting for the big boiler to boil, which is very suitable for household use. The design of the machine is also very mature. Its predecessor is 210. in Australia, the version is Sunbeam em6910, at least not a knockoff. At present, Taobao is about 3000, and now there is a 210s2, about 4000. I wish the price was cheaper.

Huijia 210s, the price is about 3500 yuan