Coffee review

Advantages and disadvantages of drinking coffee

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Coffee beans contain about 100 different substances, including caffeine, tannic acid, oil and nitrogen compounds, and each 100 grams of instant coffee contains 44 to 100 mg of caffeine; each 100 grams of brewed coffee contains 64 to 124 mg of caffeine. Coffee is a stimulant that has a lot of effects on the human body. It can diuretic, stimulate the central nervous system and respiratory system, expand blood vessels, and make

The benefit of coffee

Coffee beans contain about 100 different substances, including caffeine, tannins, oils and nitrogen compounds. They contain 44 milligrams of caffeine per 100 grams of instant coffee and 64 milligrams of caffeine per 100 grams of prepared coffee. Coffee is a stimulant that has many effects on the human body. it can be diuretic, stimulate the central nervous and respiratory system, expand blood vessels, accelerate the heartbeat, increase the strength of the striated muscles and relieve brain and muscle fatigue. In addition, drinking a cup of coffee when you are in a good mood can taste the coffee and feel the beauty of life at the same time. [3]

The disadvantages of coffee

1. People who are used to drinking a lot of coffee stop drinking coffee, there will be headaches, irritability, muscle tension and nervousness and other symptoms, while caffeine intake symptoms disappear.

two。 Women who are pregnant and breastfeeding should drink a moderate amount of coffee because caffeine penetrates into the placenta and appears in breast milk.

3. Drinking coffee can cause mental excitement, and caffeine can affect sleep within 4 hours after drinking coffee.

Coffee and Health

Does coffee affect health?


Whether coffee affects health is a topic of great concern to many people, and scientists have been debating it for many years. But so far, scientific research has not found conclusive evidence that moderate consumption of coffee is harmful to human health. Between 1970 and 1980, the results of this study were usually negative. Extensive media coverage makes people feel uneasy about the caffeine in their diet.

In the 1990s, due to a more rigorous and accurate testing process and a better understanding of other aspects, such as alcohol consumption, exercise habits and smoking, these studies have been able to clarify some unresolved arguments in previous studies. In particular, it has provided a lot of new knowledge about caffeine and health.

Coffee addiction problem


A university in England invited 300 volunteers to take part in the study. Coffee fans and non-coffee fans were divided into two groups. They stopped drinking coffee 16 hours before the test and observed the changes in their concentration. Sixteen hours after "abstaining from coffee", only coffee fans were allowed to drink coffee, while non-coffee fans were not allowed to drink coffee, but the results showed that coffee drinkers had the same concentration as non-coffee fans and were only at a normal level. Therefore, it is estimated that even if non-coffee fans drink coffee, it will not help to enhance their concentration or efficiency.

The researchers in charge of the investigation said that adenosine (Adenosine), which slows down in the human body, feels "refreshed" after drinking coffee because caffeine stops adenosine from entering cells, making it less likely to cause drowsiness. The study also pointed out that caffeine narrows the blood vessels, speeds up the blood flow and causes headaches. Some coffee fans who do not drink coffee will have headaches, irritability, muscle tension and nervousness and other uncomfortable reactions.

Does drinking coffee affect sleep?

Many people have the experience of being too excited to sleep after drinking coffee, because there is a conductive substance called adenosine in the body, which can control nerve activity. produce slow breathing, reduced mood, reduced gastric acid secretion and diuretic effects. On the other hand, caffeine will fake adenosine, making the body think that the effect of adenosine has taken place, making you feel energetic, increased stomach acid, urinate more frequently, and naturally less willing to fall asleep. It is worth noting that the brief awakening caused by this caffeine does not mean that physical strength is really restored. In addition, everyone has a different metabolic rate of caffeine, so their sensitivity to caffeine varies, so some people don't feel that their sleep is affected after drinking coffee. Therefore, a cup of hot coffee after getting up in the morning can exhilarate the body and mind and make the mood more comfortable, while it may cause insomnia at night.

Will it cause calcium loss?

As people pay more and more attention to the problem of calcium loss and osteoporosis, there is also considerable doubt about coffee. As for the relationship between caffeine intake and osteoporosis, there is no direct evidence that caffeine causes osteoporosis, but some studies have shown that caffeine increases calcium loss. Therefore, it is suggested that coffee lovers should eat more high-calcium foods to supplement calcium, such as preparing cheese slices or cheese cake to enjoy with coffee, which can not only supplement calcium, but also make the coffee more delicious.

Coffee and Beauty

None of the studies have shown that caffeine and melanin in coffee are absolutely related to increased melanin or aging of the skin. On the contrary, a moderate amount of caffeine can speed up metabolism, promote digestion, improve constipation, and improve skin roughness. About caffeine can accelerate metabolism, there is a saying that coffee will accelerate calorie burning, to achieve the effect of weight loss, the theory is basically correct, but this calorie burning is not enough to cause weight loss. If sugar and cream are added to the coffee, the calorie calculation is even more inconsistent with the principle of weight loss.

Coffee is a good friend of fitness.

Another advantage of coffee is that it increases your physical strength, which helps you exercise longer and make it work better. Caffeine is an essential part of team sports because it enhances attention and response. Drinking too much coffee, coupled with intense exercise, may lead to tachycardia and excitement, causing insomnia, neurological disorders and other symptoms.

Drinking coffee often leads to sub-health.


Coffee drinking survey found that the phenomenon of sub-health among white-collar workers has been extremely common, about 98.8% have varying degrees of sub-health, among which people aged 26-30 years old have become the main force of severe sub-health, the proportion is as high as 64.2%. In particular, first-tier cities are firmly in the position of the champion of severe sub-health rate. Economic and emotional pressure, so that white-collar workers have to overdraw the price of health in exchange for success, leading to many social problems.

Irregular diet and lack of exercise lead to sub-health

In modern society, whether it is work or life, people are under great pressure. Work pressure, emotional pressure, environmental pollution, lack of sleep, lack of exercise and other problems will affect the whole person's physical and mental health. Among them, modern people eat too fast, are addicted to coffee, make tea in hot cups, like to eat raw food, eat fruits as staple foods, or eat three meals a day, all of which seriously violate the laws of nature. In addition, lack of exercise seems to be a common phenomenon in severely sub-healthy people. During office hours, white-collar workers have almost no chance to walk except to pour water and go to the toilet.

In addition, among the severely sub-healthy people, nearly half of the white-collar workers work more than 50 hours or even more than 60 hours a week. Maintain the same posture for a long time, face computer radiation for a long time, brainpower is seriously overdrawn, work pressure rises sharply. No matter from any point of view, the body and mind of white-collar workers have been in a state of intense struggle.