Coffee review

Italian coffee machine cloth powder to make mocha latte coffee with strong flavor of beans

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, In order to achieve the extreme of cloth powder, both horizontal and vertical powder should be considered. Horizontal tap cloth powder pat the powder bowl with the palm of your hand to make the powder fall into the edge of the powder bowl and make the powder density more uniform. It's a small skill, but once you're good at it, you can't go back. Don't think about it too much, try the speed and angle of the tap a few times, or even try ways that you don't think will work. Many

To achieve the ultimate in powder distribution, consider both horizontal and vertical patting.

Horizontal tap cloth powder

Tap the bowl with your palm to make the powder fall to the rim and even out. It's a little trick, but once you get it right, you cann't go back.

It's too heavy.

It's too light.

Powder bowl uneven

Don't think too much about it. Try tapping a few times at a speed and angle, or even in ways you don't think work. Practice a few more times and you'll get the powder you want.

This state should be achieved

Soon you will be able to master it in the allotted time.

Vertical tap cloth powder

Vertical powder distribution lowers powder layer, drains voids, and increases powder density.

Vertical powder distribution can be before or after horizontal, in most cases before horizontal, especially if the powder is piled high. There are also powders that are too dense and then use vertical, some grinders are more fluffy, others are more dense, and then use vertical comparison to break up the dense powder particles.

I haven't got empirical data on who comes first and who comes second.

Aim for a fixed number of shots, counting the number of piercings per shot. And to fix the height, it needs to be able to train and eventually fix it. If you grind flour when you grind it, do it every time. You can do whatever you want, but the only requirement is that whatever you do, do it the same every time! I usually do two things, either on the fork handle or on the edge of the table.

Do not shake or vibrate handles quickly. Fork handles are fragile. Do not use rubber powder pads.


Table anxiety caking problem. Stick your finger in it and see if it breaks up instantly. Think about how much pressure you're putting on the powder, and 110 pounds per square inch of water pressure, and in this case, are there lumps?

fine powder

Fine powder will fall into the cup, which also indicates anxiety. This makes up the insoluble solids of an espresso, which gives it a nice touch. Avoid fine powder falling into the cup unless you are not using pressurized water for extraction.

Ask your barista to make two near-perfect concentrates, one slightly less evenly powdered and the other as evenly as possible. Blind test. The result may be a sad reminder of the bad old days when you gave defective cups to customers.

Uniformity and consistency are the two most important things. Forget all the fancy powder moves.

Take the time to level your putt!