Coffee review

It is not suitable to drink coffee before exercise

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Do you know? Drinking coffee before exercise may have an adverse effect on the heart. Because caffeine intake before exercise limits the increase in blood flow to the heart muscle during exercise. This is Dr. Philip Kaufman of the Human Physiology Center of the University of Zurich Hospital in Switzerland, targeting 18 healthy young people who usually love coffee, using high-performance PET scans.

Do you know? Drinking coffee before exercise may have an adverse effect on the heart. Because caffeine intake before exercise limits the increase in blood flow to the heart muscle during exercise.

This is Dr. Philip Kaufman of the Human Physiology Center of the University of Zurich Hospital in Switzerland. Eighteen healthy young people who love coffee usually use high-performance PET scanning equipment to measure them before and after exercising on the treadmill, and finally come to the above conclusion.

Measurements show that although caffeine does not affect the blood flow provided to the heart muscle when not exercising, the amount of blood flow provided to the heart muscle by exercising immediately after taking caffeine tablets is reduced by 22% at normal pressure, and even more at high elevations. The reason is that caffeine blocks specific receptors in the walls of blood vessels, and exercise may hinder the normal transmission of information used to dilate blood vessels, thereby reducing heart blood congestion and affecting oxygenation in the body. Although coffee has long been shown to stimulate the brain, drinking coffee can improve physical performance and is even seen by athletes as one of the drinks that can help them seek better performance, the report points out that it is not appropriate to drink coffee before exercise.