Coffee review

American Coffee Machine makes American Coffee Household Coffee Machine espresso Italian mixed beans

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, American coffee machine is still a good coffee equipment, at least it is simple and simple, and it does not require much from the maker. As long as your coffee is fresh enough, you can basically make a good cup of American coffee. As long as your coffee is fresh enough, it will be much better than American coffee from Starbucks or McDonald's and KFC, not to mention the bitterness of many local small coffee shops. Make American style

American coffee machine is still a good coffee equipment, at least it is simple and simple, and it does not require much from the maker. As long as your coffee is fresh enough, you can basically make a good cup of American coffee. As long as your coffee is fresh enough, it will be much better than American coffee from Starbucks or McDonald's and KFC, not to mention the bitterness of many local small coffee shops.

The utensils for making American coffee are very simple, as long as you have an American coffee machine (including the machine itself and filter accessories), suitable filter paper, and freshly roasted coffee (coffee beans + grinding), it will be enough for you to have a cup of delicious American coffee.

First of all, fold the filter paper. Most American coffee makers use flat-bottomed filter paper, which is easy to find on Taobao, about 10-15 yuan for 100 pages.

American coffee machine to make American coffee

American coffee machine to make American coffee

Fold the filter paper along the edge of the filter paper

American coffee machine to make American coffee

Grind the coffee powder and put the coffee powder into the filter paper. the coffee powder basically produces two large mugs of coffee for every 35-40 grams of coffee, depending on everyone's habits. The fineness of coffee powder grinding is basically at the level of coarse sugar grains, and you can also grind it more finely according to your personal preference (finer, the taste will be heavier)

American coffee machine to make American coffee

Load the filter paper into the filter net

American Coffee Machine makes American Coffee

Pour cold water into the water tank of the coffee machine, the amount of water is about the amount of coffee you want to get in the end, in order to use the machine for a long time, it is recommended that you use pure water.

American coffee machine to make American coffee

Next, you can power on the machine and let it make a satisfactory cup of American coffee for you.

Finally, American coffee must be filled with a large American mug. In the ice and snow, sit by the window with your partner and share a cup of sweet coffee. What are you waiting for? if you have an American coffee maker, go and try it.

American coffee machine to make American coffee