Coffee review

China Coffee Export process Coffee Import Declaration process Coffee Hong Kong tax Import process

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, With regard to the policy of the coffee industry, the editor believes that more attention must be paid to dealers and manufacturers who need foreign imported coffee raw materials. After all, the industry policy will continue to improve with the progress of society. To find business opportunities in the overseas trade market game, we must be forward-looking. The domestic market has great potential in the future, and the raw materials of imported coffee are bound to fluctuate. How to focus on consumption?

With regard to the policy of the coffee industry, the editor believes that more attention must be paid to dealers and manufacturers who need foreign imported coffee raw materials. After all, the industry policy will continue to improve with the progress of society. To find business opportunities in the overseas trade market game, we must be forward-looking. With the huge potential of the domestic market in the future, imported coffee raw materials will certainly fluctuate. How to see whether the domestic coffee brands with vitality will sprout from consumers' demand combined with coffee products produced by imported raw materials? it is necessary to analyze the coffee industry policy (1) Import tax rate and regulatory conditions.

Related to its import tax rate and regulatory conditions. Professional coffee machine (boiler above 10 liters / excluding 10 liters) can apply for 3C exemption. The label belongs to the scope of commodity inspection, which stipulates that from March 1, 2001, all import and export food must be submitted for inspection with the Import and Export Food label examination Certificate.

The import of coffee beans also requires a customs clearance form for incoming goods. The customs clearance form of entry goods is the certificate of the state's permission to enter the country for the goods subject to entry inspection and quarantine. Since January 1, 2000, for the goods carrying out entry inspection and quarantine, the Customs clearance form for entry goods has been officially launched and a special seal for inspection and quarantine has been affixed to the customs form, among which coffee beans are listed.

(2) the process of importing coffee beans

Customs clearance procedures, also known as customs declaration procedures, refers to exporters or importers declare export or import to the customs, accept customs supervision and inspection, and perform the formalities prescribed by the customs. When the customs clearance procedures are completed and the taxes and other fees payable are settled, the goods can be cleared through customs with the consent of the customs. Customs clearance procedures usually include declaration, inspection, taxation, release and clearance.