Coffee review

The flavor and taste of Nicaraguan boutique coffee beans the manor area introduces the characteristics of Nicaraguan coffee.

Published: 2024-10-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/19, Coffee is Nicaragua's main export. According to the president of the Nicaraguan Coffee Farmers' Federation, due to the poor harvest of coffee in Nicaragua's Pacific region, the country's total coffee production in 1998 may be 12% lower than that in 1997. In the coffee year of 1997 and 1998, Nicaragua harvested 1.422 million bags of coffee (each bag of 46kg), which has been producing 1% of coffee in the past 14 years.

Coffee is Nicaragua's main export. According to the president of the Nicaraguan Coffee Farmers' Federation, due to the poor harvest of coffee in Nicaragua's Pacific region, the country's total coffee production in 1998 may be 12% lower than that in 1997. In the 1997-1998 coffee year, Nicaragua harvested a total of 1.422 million bags (46kg per bag) of coffee, the best harvest in 14 years after coffee production hovered around 1 million bags. It is estimated that the income from coffee exports in 1998 will be about 1.6 billion US dollars, and Nicaraguan coffee production will drop sharply. Wei Kailei coffee is Nicaragua's main export product. According to the president of the Nicaraguan Coffee Farmers' Federation, due to the poor harvest of coffee in Nicaragua's Pacific region, the country's total coffee production in 1998 may be 12% lower than that in 1997.

"Nicaragua | Nicaragua Coffee Nicaragua coffee Nicaragua Coffee Bean"

Nicaragua is one of the major coffee-producing countries, producing high-quality coffee. Even coffee from the Antigua Mountains of Guatemala, which is famous in Asia, imports raw beans from Nicaragua. Nicaraguan coffee is not well-known in Asia. But in fact, Nepalese coffee is already famous all over the world (Starbucks has many cooperative coffee farmers in Nepal), while the coffee quality produced by several coffee producing countries in Central America, such as Guatemala, Costa Rica and Nicaragua, is similar, mainly due to weather conditions, soil fertility, planting height and other conditions.

Nepalese coffee cultivation and production has a unique environment, the spread of fertile volcanic ash soil, coupled with shade planting methods, to establish a good production quality, Nepalese coffee has a rich mellow and fragrant taste, moderate acidity and a good sense of balance of bitter taste, which is regarded as top grade in the eyes of international coffee experts.

Because of the national character of the Latin American people, it is difficult for foreign buyers to do business with the Latin people directly. The Latin people do not attach importance to credit, do things too casually, the quality of shipments is uncertain, and the products exported are also mixed with sundries. But Latin America actually does have a good planting environment suitable for growing agricultural products all over the world, so we came to Nicaragua to ensure the quality of goods and deliver goods on schedule. Hope to enable coffee lovers to enjoy high-quality Nepalese coffee.

Nigeria's coffee harvest season begins in November, ready to provide you with the freshest 100% Arabica coffee beans.