Coffee review

Introduction to the flavor and taste of Brazilian coffee beans the characteristics of Brazilian coffee beans Brazilian coffee estate

Published: 2024-10-22 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/22, As the largest coffee producer in the country, Brazil supplies commercial beans and fine beans for the global coffee market. Instant coffee is also a critical component of coffee production in Brazil. Western coffee grows mostly at the height of 2000-3000 feet feet, about 500-100m. There are also heights up to 4000 feet, about 1200 m. However, absolutely pay other East Africa, Central and South America need manufacturing countries, easily 5000 feet

As the largest coffee producer in the country, Brazil supplies commercial beans and fine beans for the global coffee market. Instant coffee is also a critical component of coffee production in Brazil. Western coffee grows mostly at the height of 2000-3000 feet feet, about 500-100m. There are also heights up to 4000 feet, about 1200 m. However, definitely pay for other East Africa, Central and South America need manufacturing countries, often more than 5000 feet of high-altitude hard beans is an insurmountable gap.

Low altitude growth makes Brazilian coffee low acidity. Dry treatment gives Brazilian coffee high sweetness and richness. Brazilian beans grown at low altitude have a relatively low density, are not resistant to re-drying, and simply appear scorched taste. High sweetness, richness and over-baking reflect the nutty and chocolate flavor, which makes Brazilian beans a common blend of espresso. However, during the period of niche coffee, the favorite status of Brazilian beans in Italian dilution was being seriously attacked. Many established Macro roasters, in view of the low density of Brazilian beans, also gradually moved away from the country-controlled coffee import on the way of seeking to replace high-altitude hard beans, using the well-known Brazilian defective beans to classify and crush them digitally, and the highest grade was 1. 5%. However, Grade 1 is only the highest grade in theory, and in practice, the highest grade is 2. In addition, coffee is divided into strictly soft,soft,softish,hard,rio according to its taste, and the lowest grade is the well-known Rio, known as Rio Taste. The American market does not catch cold to the taste of rio, but Europe and the near East suffer by comparison. During Coffee Coffee, Brazil rolled out discipline and approved farms to trade directly with consumer countries, without having to go through the official grading system. In 1999, Brazil first held the COE tournament. Dry treatment is a tradition. In addition, Pulped Natural and semi-washed are also very thoughtful. On opposing farms, coffee fruits that compete against batches are about to be disposed of differently. Dry processing, dry process, also known as natural process, the picked fruit is directly dried in the sun. Coffee fruits can even be left on the branches after they are young, dried in the sun and picked again. Dry treatment of coffee, the sugar in the pulp is arranged by coffee beans, the cup reflects a better complexity and sweetness. Pulped natural is to remove the peel, leaving a sticky, sugar-rich pulp gum wrapped in coffee beans and dried in the sun, leading a life of high sweetness and added purity. Semi-washed, semi-washed, without fermentation, the shelled beans are directly dried in the sun. In addition, there is a kind of bean called Re-Pass. After the coffee fruit is harvested, it is soaked in clean water, and the floating fresh fruit is solicited for treatment. These floating fresh fruits are thought to be overripe beans. Coffee seeds are in contact with pulp for longer and sweeter.