Coffee review

When doing ESP, is the pressure on the powder bowl the same?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, When doing ESP, is the pressure in the middle of the powder bowl the same as around it? There are slight differences that can be ignored.

When doing ESP, is the pressure in the middle of the powder bowl the same as around it? There are slight differences that can be ignored. After trying to flatten him as much as he can, it's pretty much different, but skilled people can reach the same level. you can see that there is no such thing as the same cup of coffee.

It's just too subtle for you to feel. LZ's question seems to be whether the design of the coffee machine itself can be the same when the coffee machine is made, right? I don't understand! Wild guess! Wait for the great god to make all kinds of answers! Machines always have to be combined with people. Without certain operating skills, machines can do nothing.

So we can't say alone whether the machine can do it or not.

It's like a dress. It's too big for me, and it might fit me personally.

Keep it the same based on your technical level.