Coffee review

Coffee common sense 10 little common sense of drinking coffee the most complete knowledge of coffee in the world

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Make coffee: Italian coffee: usually brew Italian coffee at home, using a mocha pot invented in Italy, which also uses the principle of vapor pressure to quench coffee (another Watt's apprentice). The mocha pot can make the pressurized vapor pass directly through the coffee powder, let the steam pass through the cell wall of the coffee powder (or Hook's apprentice), and turn the coffee.

Make coffee:

Italian coffee: Italian coffee is usually brewed at home using a mocha pot invented in Italy, which also uses the principle of vapor pressure to quench coffee (another Watt's apprentice). The mocha pot can make the pressurized vapor pass directly through the coffee powder, allowing the steam to pass through the cell wall of the coffee powder (or Hook's apprentice), quenching out the inner essence of the coffee, so the brewed coffee has a strong aroma and strong bitter taste, and a thin layer of coffee oil appears on the surface of the coffee, which is the source of the attractive aroma of Italian coffee.

Campbell blue and macchiato coffee: Italian coffee is really "a hundred flowers blossom", and there are two flowers of Campbell blue and macchiato. As long as you add the right amount of whipped cream to the espresso, you can easily finish a cup of Campbell blue. The fresh white cream floats gently on the deep coffee, just like a white lotus flower that comes out of the mud and is not dyed. In Italian espresso, without whipped cream and milk, only two tablespoons of soft milk foam is a cup of macchiato. Unlike Campbell Blue, if you want to enjoy the delicacy of Macchiato, you have to drink it in one sip.

French Milk Coffee: the ratio of coffee to milk is 1:1. When the orthodox French milk coffee is brewed, the milk pot and coffee pot are filled with coffee cups from both sides at the same time. This method has been going on for hundreds of years. Today, it is still an indispensable drink on the French breakfast table. French baby, full of milk flavor!

Turkish coffee: the original cooking method is still used today, and the complex process is somewhat exotic and mysterious. From it, we can get a glimpse of the heyday of the Ottoman Empire.

Irish coffee: there is a strong aroma of whisky in the name, and the Irish regard whisky as life, but also do something in the coffee! Irish coffee made from whisky can better set off the sweet and sour taste of coffee. A hint of mature melancholy. Be careful, you will get drunk even if you drink too much coffee!

Royal Coffee: this excellent dish was invented by an emperor who was able to fight a long war. by the way, he was Napoleon, the emperor of the French Empire! He doesn't like the smell of milk, he likes the pride of France-brandy! Another guy with spirits in his coffee! The blue flame dances with the mellow aroma of brandy and the scorching aroma of square sugar, with a strong aroma of coffee, slightly sweet in bitterness. French arrogance, French romance.

Green tea coffee: the fragrance of green tea draws our eyes back from distant countries. Japan is a nation that is good at absorption and integration. This time, they have found a balance between western coffee and oriental green tea. It also provides a new favorite for friends who love drinking tea. This is a pure Oriental flavor of coffee, the elegant fragrance of green tea, the rich exchange of coffee agitation.

Iced latte: we have to mention latte again. Use the mixture of fructose and milk to increase the specific gravity of milk, so that it will not be mixed with lighter coffee, forming two distinct layers of black and white, forming a graceful visual effect like a cocktail, plus ice cubes, giving people an elegant and romantic warm feeling.

Magic Ice Cream Coffee: this creative and varied magic taste only belongs to the young you! Pour espresso on the cold Vanilla Ice Cream, then use chocolate sauce to freely compose the fresh cream and ice cream. The ice coffee is a magical blend of water and milk, leaving only fragrance and freshness in your mouth.

Mocha Frost Coffee: guys who love chocolate, do you still have an appetite to try "frost" chocolate mocha? Use a blender to break ice cubes and ice cream to create a dense visual effect, then add mocha iced coffee, and you're done! The entrance is smooth, refreshing and mellow, giving you a cool afternoon in the heat of summer.

Famous coffee from all over the world:

Blue Mountain Coffee (BLUEMOUNTAIN): is produced in Jamaica Blue Mountain above 2500 feet above sea level coffee beans, is a kind of slightly sour, supple, sweet, delicate flavor of coffee; pure Blue Mountain coffee taste, flavor is light, but drink is very mellow and delicate; with aristocratic taste, is the best coffee.

Mocha coffee (MOCHA): at present, the coffee produced in Yemen is the best, followed by Ethiopia's mocha; mocha coffee belt smooth in the strong acid, sweet, unique flavor, containing chocolate flavor; with the temperament of a lady, is a very characteristic pure coffee.

Columbia Coffee (COLOMBIA): Colombian coffee is characterized by SUPREMO, which is soft and mellow; with slightly to medium acid, its quality and flavor are stable, and it is a medium coffee, which is used to prepare comprehensive coffee.

Manning Coffee (MANDELING): produced in Indonesia, Sumatra is the most representative coffee; flavor, strong, bitter, taste is quite strong, but supple without acid, is the best quality coffee produced in Indonesia.

Carbon roasted coffee (CHARCALFIRE): it is a kind of heavily roasted coffee, which tastes charred, bitter without acid, and coffee beans produce oil, so it is very suitable for steam pressurized coffee.

Brazilian Coffee (SANTOS): Brazil is the number one coffee producer in the world. The coffee produced by Brazil is mild, slightly sour and slightly bitter. It is the representative of neutral coffee and an indispensable variety for the blending of mild coffee.

Kenyan Coffee (KENYAAA): it is a typical coffee cultivated in the highlands of Africa. AA stands for its grade, that is, the highest grade, and its coffee beans are thick and round in meat, strong in taste and good in quality, and are usually lightly roasted. Getting up early in the morning to have a cup of Kenya has a refreshing effect.

Hawaiian Coffee (KONAFANCY): it belongs to the coffee cultivated by the volcanoes in western Hawaii. it is also the only coffee variety produced in the United States. it has a strong taste, strong flavor, strong acid and special flavor. The quality is quite stable and it is one of the local products that must be purchased by tourists going to Hawaii.

Viennese coffee (Viennese): the most famous coffee in Austria was invented by a coachman named Ein Schuberner. Perhaps for this reason, today, Viennese coffee is occasionally called a "one-headed carriage". Fascinate people all over the world with the sweet flavor of whipped cream and chocolate. Snow-white fresh cream, sprinkled with colorful rice, the appearance is very beautiful; through the sweet chocolate syrup, cold cream sipping hot hot coffee, is a unique flavor!

White coffee: Malaysia is the only place where orthodox white coffee is produced. All the coffee on the market now belongs to black coffee, which is made from coffee beans roasted with caramel at high temperature, which makes the coffee taste bitter, sour, caramel and carbonized. In terms of health, it will hurt the stomach, get angry, and cause melanin precipitation and other disadvantages. White coffee is coffee beans directly roasted at low temperature without caramel, removing the scorched and sour taste of general high-temperature stir-frying and charcoal roasting, and retaining the natural flavor and rich aroma of the original coffee. No stomach damage, no heat, low caffeine, smooth taste, mellow fragrance.

Coffee etiquette:

[how to get a coffee cup] Coffee that you drink after a meal is usually served in a pocket cup. The ear of this kind of cup is so small that you can't get your fingers out. But even if you use a larger cup, don't put your finger through the ear and carry the cup. The correct way to hold a coffee cup is to hold the handle of the cup by your thumb and forefinger and then pick up the cup.

[how to add sugar to coffee] when adding sugar to coffee, the sugar can be scooped out with a coffee spoon and added directly to the cup, or you can first use a sugar clip to clip the cube sugar on the near side of the coffee plate, and then add the cube sugar to the cup with a coffee spoon. If you put the cube sugar directly into the cup with a sugar clip or hand, it may sometimes spill the coffee and stain the clothes or tablecloth.

[how to use coffee spoon] Coffee spoon is specially used to stir coffee. You should take it out when drinking coffee. No longer use a coffee spoon to scoop a spoonful of coffee to drink slowly, and do not use a coffee spoon to mash the cube sugar in the cup.

[what if the coffee is too hot] the freshly brewed coffee is so hot that you can gently stir it in the cup with a coffee spoon to cool it, or wait for it to cool naturally before drinking. It is very impolite to try to cool the coffee with your mouth.

[use of cups and saucers] the cups and saucers that hold coffee are specially made. They should be placed on the front or right side of the drinker, and the cup ear should point to the right. When drinking coffee, you can hold the cup ear of the coffee in your right hand and hold the coffee plate gently in your left hand, slowly moving to your mouth and sipping. It is not advisable to hold the cup and swallow, nor should you bow your head to the coffee cup. Don't make a noise when drinking coffee. When adding coffee, do not pick up the coffee cup from the coffee plate.

[coffee and snack] sometimes you can have some snacks when drinking coffee, but don't alternate between eating and drinking with a coffee cup in one hand and a snack in the other. You should put down the snack when you drink coffee and the coffee cup when you eat it.

Coffee terminology:

Knowing certain coffee terms not only allows you to accurately express your understanding of coffee, but also makes your customers or friends feel that you are quite expert at coffee and are a coffee glutton.

Flavor [flavor] is the overall impression of aroma, acidity, bitterness, sweetness and mellowness, which can be used to describe the overall feeling of contrast coffee.

Acidity [acidity] is the acidity and strong quality of all coffee grown on the plateau. Unlike bitterness or sour (sour), it has nothing to do with pH, but a refreshing and lively quality that promotes coffee to exert its functions of boosting the mind and clearing the taste.

Body [mellowness] is the taste of coffee on the tongue after drinking the prepared coffee. The change of mellowness can be as light as water to light, medium, high, fat, and even some Indonesian coffee is as thick as syrup.

Aroma [smell] Aroma refers to the smell and aroma emitted by coffee after conditioning. Bouquet is a less commonly used word that specifically refers to the taste of ground coffee powder. Aroma is usually specific and comprehensive. The words used to describe Aroma include: caramel, carbon roasted, chocolate, fruit, grass, malt, rich, rich, spicy and so on.

Bitter bitterness is a basic sense of taste, the sensory area is distributed in the base of the tongue. The bitterness of dark baking is deliberately created, but the most common cause of bitterness is too much coffee powder and too little water. Bitterness is not a consent word for sour.

Bland [light] Coffee grown in lowlands is usually quite light and tasteless. Coffee with insufficient powdered coffee and too much water will have the same light effect.

After brewing Briny [salty] coffee, if it is overheated, it will produce a salty taste. The coffee in some coffee shops has this taste.

Major coffee producing countries:

Coffee production zones generally range from 25 degrees north to 30 degrees south, covering most countries in Central Africa, East Africa, the Middle East, India, South Asia, the Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean. The reason why coffee is mainly concentrated in this area is that coffee is extremely vulnerable to frost, and the temperature and humidity in the tropics are the most suitable for coffee growth.

The origin of coffee:

The word "coffee" comes from the Greek word "Kaweh", which means "strength and passion". Coffee tree is an evergreen shrub of Capsaceae. Daily coffee is made from coffee beans combined with a variety of cooking utensils, and coffee beans refer to the nuts in the fruit of coffee trees, which are then roasted with appropriate roasting methods.

There are all kinds of legends about the origin of coffee, but most of them are forgotten because of its absurdity. However, people will not forget that Africa is the hometown of coffee. Coffee trees are likely to be found in Ethiopia's KAFFA province. Later, batches of slaves were sold from Africa to Yemen and the Arabian Peninsula, and coffee was taken everywhere along the way. To be sure, Yemen started growing coffee in the 15th century or earlier. Although Arabia had the busiest port city in the world at that time, it banned the export of any seeds. This barrier was finally broken through by the Dutch, and in 1616, they finally smuggled the surviving coffee trees and seeds to the Netherlands and began to grow them in greenhouses.

The Origin of Coffee: the Story of the Shepherd

There are several legends about the origin of coffee, of which the more familiar is the story of the shepherd: according to the account of Roth de Neroy (1613-1707), a Roman linguist, there was an Arab shepherd Caldai in about the sixth century. One day, when he was driving sheep to the Isobian prairie for grazing, he felt very excited and excited to see each goat. He found it strange after careful observation. These sheep are excited after eating some kind of red fruit. Cardai tasted some of them curiously and found them very sweet and delicious. After eating them, he also felt very refreshed. From then on, he often drove the sheep to eat this delicious fruit. Later, a Muslim passed by and took some of this incredible red fruit home and distributed it to other parishioners, so its magical effect spread.

The Origin of Coffee: the Story of Shack Omar

Other legends are that Shack Omar, a disciple of Sheckaldi, the guardian saint of the Arabian Peninsula, was a highly respected and beloved chief in Mocha, but was expelled by his people for crimes. As a result, Shake Omar was exiled to Osama in the country, where he stumbled upon the fruit of coffee in 1258. One day, Omar was walking hungry in the mountains and saw a bird with strange feathers on the branches pecking at the fruit of the tree. He took the fruit back and boiled it with water, but it unexpectedly gave out a rich and attractive fragrance, and the original feeling of fatigue was eliminated after drinking it. Omar collected many of these magical fruits, and when she met someone who was sick, she made the fruit into soup for them to drink and refreshed her spirit. Because he did good everywhere and was loved by believers, his sins were soon forgiven, and when he returned to Mocha, he was praised for finding this fruit, and people did not worship him as a saint. At that time, the magic cure was said to be coffee.

The Origin of Coffee: the Story of Gabriel Mathieu de Klee

This is a romantic story. Around 1720 or 1723, Gabriel Mathieu de Klee, a French naval officer on the island of Matinique, was about to leave Paris when he managed to get some coffee trees and decided to take them back to Martinique. He had been taking good care of the saplings, keeping them in a glass box on deck to protect them from sea water and warmth. De Klee was threatened by pirates during his journey, experienced storms, the jealousy and destruction of his shipmates, and even watered the saplings with his own life when water was scarce.

His coffee tree finally took root in Martinique and had its first bumper harvest in 1726. It is said that by 1777 there were 18791680 coffee trees in Martinique, thanks to Gabriel Mathieu de Klee. Gabriel Mathieu de Klee died in Paris on November 30, 1724, and a monument was built for him in 1918 at the Ford Botanical Garden in Martinique.

Coffee and Health:

Coffee can refresh the mind and make the mind clear, and it helps to increase blood flow by dilating the arteries of the heart; it obviously has the effect of diuresis; it can relieve the symptoms of headaches; it can effectively help lose weight, help digestion, relax muscles, etc., coffee is said to have anti-cancer effects and can prevent stones. However, coffee can also cause osteoporosis in middle-aged and elderly women, and may cause heart disease.

The key to drinking coffee is not to drink too much coffee, four cups a day is a safer amount, no more than eight cups at most, because drinking too much is very easy to cause stomach discomfort and other adverse reactions. Just like alcohol, as long as you drink coffee in the right amount and in accordance with the above taboos, coffee will do no harm to the human body. Some people are not suitable for drinking coffee, they mainly include: dermatosis, stomach disease, diabetes, heart disease, pregnant women and breast-feeding women and so on.

The method of brewing coffee:

In the brewing of coffee, it is not said which is the best way; everyone has what they think is the best way to make coffee. Coffee is already a part of our daily life, so it must suit our way of life; it can also meet the economic benefits of each person. Making coffee is not only a ritual, but also a practical problem in our lives. Unlike tea or cocoa, coffee is famous for allowing everyone to brew it in a unique way. But in any method, the basic principle is the same, such as using hot water to extract natural essential oil and caffeine from ground coffee beans; and these are the principles that enable coffee to produce wonderful aroma and taste. In a word, coffee is made by brewing.

Arabian or Turkish coffee:

Although coffee beans have spread all over the world from Arabia, the Arab method of making coffee is less famous. The Arab method of brewing coffee is basically quite different from other methods of brewing coffee: traditionally, the Arab method is to brew the coffee three times. Coffee made in boiling water can easily boil off the aroma of coffee, but it is the most romantic way to make heavy-flavored coffee. Arabica coffee is always brewed in the same place, a small copper pot with a long handle. Two tablespoons of fine ground coffee, one tablespoon of sugar and a cup of water, mix and boil until the water boils. Wait until it is cold and then heat it up for a total of three times, and then start to pour it out. When drinking, you will add some cardamom to add flavor.

Filtering method:

Today, dropping or filtering is probably the most commonly used method. Put the finely ground coffee on appropriate paper, or a reusable vertebra-shaped vessel, and then pour the boiling water from it. If you want better quality, you can wet the ground coffee with a small amount of water first, which can speed up the release of caffeine. The brewed coffee can be drunk by pouring it into a regular cup or mug. The ground coffee is also stored in round vertebrae. Now an electronic machine is used to brew this method, because it can automatically perform all brewing procedures, including heating the water, to make coffee of better or more stable quality than pure handmade coffee. The most commonly used countries are Germany and the United States.

Piston coffee brewing method:

The piston method, some say, was invented in 1933 to extract the most flavor of ground coffee beans. Heat the pot in advance, add the rough ground coffee to the bottom of the pot, add hot water, then stir and boil for about three to five minutes, separating the ground coffee powder from the coffee drink before the piston has completely lost its strength. This method is only a little more convenient than filtering, but it is also one of the top two ways for more and more people to make fresh coffee.

Stew method:

Stewing can be said to be the easiest way to make coffee. That is, just put the rough ground coffee and hot water together. It is very similar to piston coffee brewing, except that there is no piston pot that can separate the ground coffee powder from the coffee drink. Stewing has become more and more accepted and used because it is always a good way to serve everyone.


Now this method of brewing coffee, invented in Italy, is already the fastest growing and most accepted method. Other ways of making coffee are always natural and economical, and you can make a satisfactory cup of coffee. But if you want to drink espresso, I'm afraid it won't be so easy.

Espresso's machine forces hot water through the finest compressed coffee, while the coffee is extracted. A good Espresso machine is expensive, because in order to extract the most complete aroma of coffee, you have to use quite high pressure, so the machine is expensive. If you want to grade the Espresso machine, the most important thing is not to extract coffee too much, that is to say, the power-off system of the machine itself should be very fast, otherwise it will not be good.

If the color of the coffee is light brown liquid, it is perfect. This liquid is the "essence of coffee", which exists only on the surface of the underlying black coffee. "Coffee essence" will disappear within minutes after the coffee is brewed, and within the remaining few minutes, it will tell you the quality of all Espresso coffee. If it is too light, or too strong or not strong enough, it means that the quality of such Espresso is inferior.

For some people, Espresso may have become their religion. The gap between a really good Espresso and a not-so-good Espresso can be said to be something else. Each of us has spent a lot of money in seeking the best quality to improve our standard of living.

And Cappuccino can be said to be an Espresso-based product; it is to add Espresso's coffee to brew coffee with a long ladle to make a thick milk foam. A good Espresso doesn't look as significant as foamed milk in Cappuccino, but the quality of coffee is still an important factor.

As far as milk is concerned, it is best to use semi-skimmed milk, which should be added to a kettle with holes through which steam can be ejected. Do not open the air pressure control valve if the surface of the milk is not already higher than the steam jet hole. Once the steam flows under the milk, shake the kettle quickly, otherwise the milk will easily go bad. The purpose of heating milk is to make it easier to beat cream.

When the milk is to be poured into the cup, the cup must be warmed first, otherwise the foam will disappear. This is the basic skill. So they are usually stored upside down in Espresso machines. The foamed and steamed milk should be poured on top of the coffee in the cup and poured very carefully, as if to wrap the coffee. Even the last drop of milk has to be poured. After that, we can have the perfect Cappuccino.

Napoleon's mocha:

In Italy, it can be said that there is no family without mocha pots of all sizes, and no matter what you think coffee looks like, the Italian's vision is unparalleled. This combination of Espresso and filter coffee pot features a wonderful design of a double-layer pot. It can force boiled water into the lower pot, through a pipe, and then flow to the finest ground coffee. When a skillful hand is held up, coffee cravings can be satisfied and enough "Espresso" coffee can be produced in just one minute.

Filter coffee pot:

Brewing coffee in a filtered coffee maker is a civilized and progressive way for the Great West; after the recent coffee revolution, it has naturally become the most widely accepted way in the United States. and almost every family has a standard filter coffee maker. The coffee powder cooked in this filtered coffee pot is usually rough and heated directly by cold water, so when the water is boiled, it will produce water vapor and form bubbles into the top part of the equipment.

When you listen carefully to the coffee liquid produced through the bubbles, like the gurgling sound of running water, it is really a relaxing high-end enjoyment, coupled with the aroma of the coffee that is permeated by the flavor of the most volatile coffee, which fills the whole house. that's a great feeling. To be honest, there may be no way worse than the coffee brewed in this way.

Dissolving method, or instant coffee:

Instant coffee was first invented in 1901 by Satori Kato, a Japanese-born American chemist in Chicago. It was not until Nestl é began commercial marketing in 1938 that this method was widely accepted. Also because in a short period of time, the quality of instant coffee has also improved by leaps and bounds, so everyone can have a good cup of coffee at any time.

Compared with freshly brewed coffee, instant coffee has many advantages, especially in terms of simplicity and convenience. It is relatively fresh, and it is not easy to destroy the original flavor, although it is difficult to try it, but it is always very fast, cheap, and clean to wave to people.

Instant coffee, like other coffee, is made from ground coffee. First, it prepares anhydrous coffee extracts, whether heat-treated or frozen, and then produces fine particles of soluble powder. After dehydration, the essence of the coffee may also disappear; however, the lost essence will also be absorbed by the next wave of coffee to be processed.

Seasoning coffee method:

There is a kind of brewed coffee that is attracting people's interest and growing rapidly in the market, which is called seasoned coffee. Today, there are more than 100 different flavors of coffee on the market. While coffee connoisseurs are still using their sharp noses to smell the coffee they think is sacred, it is just in time for seasoned coffee with chocolate or cinnamon. It is good to taste coffee alone, but it also shows great courage when it is mixed with other products.

In fact, seasoned coffee is an old trick. In the Middle East, people traditionally add cardamom spices to their coffee; in Mexico, people have been drinking coffee with cinnamon spices for years. The continuous growth of seasoned coffee proves one thing, that is, coffee itself is versatile and has many advantages. The seasoning is added directly while the coffee is roasted and then sprayed with a special flavor to preserve the protective oil during transportation.

Coffee made by this method is the ideal coffee drink in summer because it can be refrigerated, such as canned iced coffee: frozen coffee made first with ice cubes, or crushed ice. By far, milk is by far the most seasoned with coffee in the world. Although there is no milk in Arabica coffee and no cream in pure caffeine, for most people, coffee with milk is a perfect match for pride.