Coffee review

Indonesia Sulawesi Coffee Bean Sulawesi Toraja Kalos

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Sulawesi Indonesia Sulawesi Coffee beans Indonesia's world-famous boutique coffee is mainly produced by three islands, Sumatra, Java, and this time we got Sulawesi (Sulawesi). Sulawesi is the largest island in Indonesia. Sulawesi is a former Dutch colony whose original name was Celebes. Sulawesi, Sulawesi

Sulawesi 印尼苏拉威西咖啡豆

Sulawesi Indonesia Sulawesi coffee beans

Indonesia's world-famous boutique coffee is mainly produced by three islands, Sumatra, Java, and this time we got the island of Sulawesi. Sulawesi is the largest island in Indonesia. Sulawesi is a former Dutch colony whose original name was Celebes.


Sulawesi, Pulau

Sulawesi (the old Celebe version of Celebes) is a large island in eastern Indonesia. The island is peculiar in shape, extending from four peninsulas to the north, northeast, southeast and south. With more mountains and deep valleys and less plains, it is the island with the largest proportion of mountainous areas in Indonesia. The Toraja producing area on the island of Sulawesi is more famous. Traya producing area is located in the southwest of the center of Sulawesi Island, with an elevation of 1200 meters in the mountains. You can see two other famous producing areas, Sumatra and Java, on the left side of Sulawesi. Sulawesi's Kalos coffee beans are a variety of Sumatran Tibica, with larger grains. Large Kalos coffee beans look full, suitable for deep roasting to the second burst, the roasted taste still continues the Indonesian Mantenin mellow, large fat coffee raw beans, after expansion appears smooth, mellow taste, low acidity, with a hint of herbal flavor.