Coffee review

La Minita La Minita Manor American beans Guatemala Antigua producing area Flower God Coffee cooked beans

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, It's really troublesome to have such a long list of names. But it is because of this that we can have a better understanding of what the beans are like, from large producing areas to small producing areas, processing plants, groups, and manors. in this way, we will have more and more understanding of coffee.

The names are so long, it's really troublesome to look at. However, it is because of this that we can better understand what kind of beans we get, from large producing areas to small producing areas, processing plants, groups, and estates, so that we can become more and more interesting and understand more and more about coffee. Lamini Tower was the name of a manor. The beans under his company's name were very famous and were the star products of their company. La Minita Estate has a very good planting environment and subsequent treatment procedures. This bean was also entrusted to Pastores mill, a famous local processing plant in Guatemala, for washing.

This bean is from Antigua, Guatemala. Guatemala has a lot of volcanoes, and Antigua is surrounded by three volcanoes. We all know that the coffee produced under the volcanic soil is rich in taste, and Antigua is sitting on this geomantic treasure. The average altitude of Guatemala is very high. High altitude means that the temperature difference between day and night is relatively large. This harsh environment makes coffee fruits grow longer and slower on coffee trees, but the flavor is more complete and richer. Therefore, most of the fine beans are produced at high altitude. The beans are hard beans. This time, this flower god is also SHB(extremely hard beans) grade, washed and processed.

The color of the beans was very fresh and green. It looked very pleasing to the eyes. The size of the particles was even. The aroma of the raw beans was also very fresh. Medium deep roast, close to two explosions, but not to two explosions under the pot. Dry incense has the smell of almonds, first put aside its dry incense, I want to focus on her wet incense. The wet fragrance of this bean was too domineering. It was not the kind of gentle fragrance. After smelling her wet fragrance, he naturally understood why this bean was called Flower God. La Flor literally means "flower of coffee." And its aroma, like its name, is not the aroma of a certain flower, but thousands of flowers fused together into the nasal cavity, which may be the most fragrant coffee I have ever drunk. The taste was not inferior. The acidity was soft, smooth, and full. At the end, there was a hint of smoke, which was rich in layers.