Coffee review

Indonesian civet coffee flavor taste manor characteristics boutique coffee beans introduction Kopi Luwak

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Coffee trees are native to the highlands of southwestern Ethiopia in Africa. It is said that more than a thousand years ago, a shepherd found that the sheep had eaten a kind of plant, became very excited and lively, and then discovered coffee. It is also said that a coffee forest was accidentally destroyed by a wildfire, and the smell of barbecue coffee attracted the attention of surrounding residents. The cultivation and production of coffee in the 17th century has always been monopolized by Arabs.

Coffee trees are native to the plateau regions of southwest Ethiopia in Africa. It is said that more than a thousand years ago, a shepherd discovered that sheep ate a plant and became very excited and lively, and then discovered coffee. There is also a saying that wildfire accidentally burned down a coffee forest, and the aroma of barbecue coffee attracted the attention of surrounding residents. The cultivation and production of coffee in the 17th century was monopolized by Arabs. It was used mainly in medicine and religion, doctors and monks recognized coffee as refreshing, refreshing, invigorating, strengthening, hemostatic, etc.; the use of coffee began to be documented in the early 15th century, and it was incorporated into religious ceremonies during this period, as well as appearing in folk as a daily drink. Because Islam forbids alcohol, coffee became an important social drink at that time. At first, coffee was expensive in Europe. Only aristocrats could drink coffee. Coffee was even called "black gold". It wasn't until 1690 that a Dutch captain sailed to Yemen, got a few coffee seedlings, and planted them successfully in Indonesia. In 1727, the wife of a diplomat in Dutch Guiana sent coffee seeds to a Spaniard in Brazil, where he tried them with great success. Brazil's climate is very suitable for coffee growth, coffee spread rapidly in South America. Coffee, whose price had fallen as a result of mass production, began to become an important drink for europes-coffee derived from the droppings of an animal called the civet, commonly known in indonesia as the civet-and although it came from smelly poop, it tasted sweet and indescribable. This wild civet likes to eat fat and thick coffee fruit, but the hard fruit core (green beans) cannot be digested and excreted with feces. After washing, it becomes Kopi Luwak coffee green beans! Many people call it cat shit coffee. Indonesian people found that the coffee beans fermented by the civet stomach were particularly thick and fragrant, so they collected the civet feces, sifted out the coffee beans, and brewed them to drink. Due to the scarcity of production and the unique fermentation process, the flavor was greatly different from ordinary coffee. Traditionally, coffee fruit is washed or sun-treated to remove the peel, pulp and sheepskin layer, and finally the coffee beans are extracted. However, Luwak uses natural fermentation in vivo to extract the coffee beans, so it has a special flavor.