Coffee review

The taste of Costa Rican coffee is mellow. Introduction to the characteristics of high-quality coffee beans in the manor area.

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, One of the most famous is Mountain Costa Rica Coffee, which tastes mellow and neutral. It can be boiled directly or mixed with other kinds of coffee beans to form a mixed coffee. It is also a good choice. Excellent Costa Rican coffee is called extra hard beans, and this kind of coffee can grow at an altitude of more than 1500 meters. Altitude has always been a problem for coffee growers. The higher the altitude

One of the most famous is Mountain Costa Coffee, which tastes mellow and neutral. It can be boiled directly or mixed with other kinds of coffee beans. It is also a good choice.

Excellent Costa Rican coffee is known as "extra hard beans" and can grow at altitudes above 1500 meters. Altitude has always been a problem for coffee growers. The higher the altitude, the better the beans, not only because higher altitudes increase the acidity of the beans and thus enhance the flavor, but also because the lower night temperatures at higher altitudes can slow down the growth of trees and thus enhance the flavor of the beans. In addition, due to the high altitude drop caused by sufficient rainfall, coffee tree growth is very favorable.

Costa Rican coffee is all Arabica beans, washed, it is bright style, full of aroma, clear as wind chimes in the breeze, and mild acid, sweet quite good. Because of the sweet taste, even if the coffee is cold, it is also very good to drink, which is a major feature of Costa Rica coffee. Therefore, it is recommended that you taste Costa Rican coffee with only a small amount of sugar and creamer in order to enjoy its girlish pure flavor.

Costa Rica has many excellent producing areas, and Costa Rica's high-quality producing areas have a common understanding of quality, that is, the use of mature coffee fruit to ensure the production of high-quality coffee.

Generally speaking, the post-processing of harvested coffee fruits uses a lot of water, but Costa Rica's advanced production equipment saves water resources to the greatest extent, and at the same time uses a circulating filter device to treat the wastewater from washing coffee beans, so that the wastewater is purified into clean water to prevent pollution of the local soil environment.

After the coffee fruit is peeled, the peel and pulp are recycled as feed for livestock or converted into organic fertilizer and coffee bean dryer fuel. It can be said that Costa Rica has complied with the requirements of preserving the natural environment in every process of coffee production.

Among Costa Rica's many excellent producing areas, there is one famous producing area that stands out-Tarrazu, also known as Tarrazu. Tarajoo is renowned in the world of fine coffee and is one of the world's leading coffee producers. In the 2014 COE competition, 17 of the 23 listed beans came from Tarasu. Tarasu is located in the fertile volcanic region of Central America, where there is a humid climate and fertile volcanic soil, abundant rainfall throughout the year, high altitude, and dense forest natural shade, providing a unique growing environment for coffee growth. No pesticides or artificial fertilizers are used during cultivation. Nearly 95% of the coffee beans produced in Tarazhu Alpine are extremely hard beans (SHB), generally grown at altitudes above 1500 meters.

Currently Tarazhu Cooperative has 26 member estates. One of the most prestigious coffee estates in Tara Pearl is La Minita Estate. Lamini produces about 1 million pounds of coffee beans a year, and the beans produced on the estate are carefully selected to remove defects. Only 15% of the beans can be stamped with Lamini Estate, and the rest goes to the coffee market. But the price of these coffees coming into the market is still higher than that of other coffee beans grown in Central America. Lamini Tower's strict management of all aspects of coffee production has established a world-class reputation and can be called a world-famous coffee estate.