Coffee review

The right way to drink coffee when it is best to drink coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The anti-blind posts about coffee knowledge, in fact, they all evolved on the basis of a cup of espresso, a little practical knowledge, let's popularize it! Which is the most popular espresso, macchiato, Campbell, latte, white coffee, Brevie, cappuccino, mocha or American coffee? When is the best time to drink coffee? the right way to drink coffee

The anti-blind posts about coffee knowledge, in fact, they all evolved on the basis of a cup of espresso, a little practical knowledge, let's popularize it! Which is the most popular espresso, macchiato, Campbell, latte, white coffee, Brevie, cappuccino, mocha or American coffee?

Basic knowledge of when to drink coffee the right way to drink coffee

Basic knowledge of when to drink coffee the right way to drink coffee

A little common sense about drinking coffee

1. Take a sip of cold water before drinking.

two。 Drink while hot, 91 to 96 ℃ can send out the original flavor and strong fragrance. Drinking at 85-88 degrees is the best.

3. Take a sip of black coffee and feel the pure taste!

4. Before the formal drink, take a sip of ice water, and the taste of the coffee appears brightly.

5. Don't add white sugar, add raw sugar.

6. Coffee spoons are only used to stir coffee, not to scoop coffee.

7. Milk ball bubble cholesterol is very high, it is best to use fresh milk as seasoning.

Basic knowledge of when to drink coffee the right way to drink coffee

Basic knowledge of when to drink coffee the right way to drink coffee

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