Coffee review

The flavor and taste of Mexican coffee beans with the fullest grains. Introduction to the characteristics of fine coffee in manor area.

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Water transport, especially sea transport, undertakes the task of transporting part of Rico's goods, domestic goods and outbound passengers. According to the statistics of the national port system, from January to December 2013, the national freight container load reached 288 million tons of cargo, an increase of 1.6% over the same period last year. Among them, the deadweight of oil and petroleum derivatives alone reached 122 million tons, accounting for 42.5% of the total freight; bulk minerals

Water transport, especially sea transport, undertakes the task of transporting part of Rico's goods, domestic goods and outbound passengers. According to the statistics of the national port system, from January to December 2013, the national freight container load reached 288 million tons of cargo, an increase of 1.6% over the same period last year. Among them, the deadweight of oil and petroleum derivatives alone reached 122 million tons, accounting for 42.5 percent of the total freight; bulk mineral products were about 78.36 million, accounting for 27.2 percent; and agricultural products were 13.56 million tons, accounting for 4.7 percent. In addition, in 2013, Mexican coastal ports and international cruise ships received a total of 56710 ships, with a total of more than 9.96 million passengers. After the privatization reform in the 1990s, the port of Riccigo has been successfully modernized, and various facilities of the domestic terminals have become more advanced. There are regular or irregular passenger and cargo liners with many countries in Europe, the United States, Central and South America and the Caribbean, the far East, the Mediterranean and Scandinavia. There are 140seaports, 29 inland ports and 29 inner lake docks in Xilao. According to the Ministry of Communications and Transportation (SCT), there are 117maritime ports and docks in Mexico. Among them, there are 58 ports and docks along the Pacific coast, and 5 ports and docks in Mexico Bay and the Caribbean. [3]

Tourism editor

Mexico is one of the centers of ancient Indian culture. The world-famous Mayan culture, Toltec culture and Aztec culture were all created by Mexican Indians. Mexico lies in the southern part of the North American continent. It is bordered by the United States to the north, Guatemala and Belize to the southeast, the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean to the south, and the Pacific Ocean to the southwest. 5 of the land area are plateaus and mountains, with an average elevation of about 1800 meters. There are many islands along the coast. In the Pacific Ocean, there are the Leviaghihdo Islands, Guadalupe, Cedros and Tres-Marias Islands, Tibron and Angel-de Guada in the Gulf of California, and Murais and Kosummel in the Caribbean.

Mayan monuments

Mayan monuments in Mexico

Mayan monuments in Mexico

The site of the Qichen Icha Mayan city-state was once the largest and most prosperous city-state in the ancient Mayan empire. The site is located in the middle of Yucatan Peninsula. It was founded in 514 AD. The main monuments of the city-state are: Qianzhu Square, which once supported a huge dome-shaped roof. You can see the size of this building. The reclining stone statues of the two gods in front of the samurai temple. 9-story, 30-meter-high stepped Kukurkan pyramid. As well as the sacred well (limestone vertical cave) and the ancient Mayan astronomical observatory built in the shape of a snail on the platform, the selection of Mexican coffee, known as the "snail platform", is generally carried out manually. The main basis for selection is according to the fullness of coffee particles, whether it is uniform, and then grade it. Generally speaking, coffee with full and uniform grains is easier to preserve. Only the fullest and most evenly grained coffee beans can be roasted to represent the best and best coffee in the country.

After the workers picked the coffee beans, they spread the coffee beans in a special house with ventilation on all sides. About a week later, the coffee beans were packed in loosely packed bags so that the wind could blow through the bags. After about seven weeks, the coffee beans changed color and taste. Finally, these coffee beans are selected manually, and the coffee beans of high quality are selected and officially bagged for preservation.

Aldura coffee beans are the top coffee beans in Mexico. These coffee beans are large, with strong sweet, sour and good aroma. Non-alcoholic Mexican coffee is often paired with milk. Heat a cup of milk, a teaspoon of cinnamon powder and a teaspoon of vanilla powder in a pot at medium temperature, not too hot, and do not boil the milk. Then add the cocoa powder, fully dissolve and stir well. If you like chocolate, you can use chocolate paste instead of cocoa powder and milk. Let the milk dry for about 5 minutes, wait until the milk is slightly cool, then pour into the prepared coffee, decorate the coffee surface with cold cream, then decorate with a piece of cinnamon, and the Mexican coffee is ready. The aromas of chocolate and cinnamon blend together to give off the smell of desert. Tasting such a cup of coffee, you seem to be walking through the desert full of vicissitudes.