Coffee review

Mexican coffee flavor with strong sweet taste introduction to fine coffee beans in manor producing area

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, In 1519, the Spanish invaded Mexico, and in 1521, Tenochtitln, the capital of Aztec, was conquered by the Tlaxcalteca, the main enemy of Spain and Aztec. But Spain did not completely conquer Aztec, but completed it two centuries later, and there were two main reasons why the Spaniards won. Aztec human factor

In 1519, the Spanish invaded Mexico, and in 1521, Tenochtitl á n, the capital of Aztec, was conquered by the Tlaxcalteca, the main enemy of Spain and Aztec. But Spain did not completely conquer Aztec, but completed it two centuries later, and there were two main reasons why the Spaniards won.

The Aztecs sacrifice many people every year, mostly from prisoners of war, because they believe that there must be constant human sacrifice for the universe to continue to work. But in time of peace, the Azrac resorted to a formal "courtesy war" and obtained prisoners of war. That is why the Trascaltka were willing to join the Spanish army against the Azrac.

Another important factor is that Spaniards brought a variety of plagues and infectious diseases to the Americas, smallpox, influenza, plague, measles, hundreds of thousands of natives were infected, and these epidemics could kill about 8 million local people.


The Mexican War of Independence began in 1810 and it was not until 1821 that the insurgents entered Mexico City. The whole War of Independence was launched by Miguel Hidalgo Ikostia, who uprised on October 1st, 1810, in an attempt to overthrow Spanish rule, but in September the uprising plan was leaked by traitors, so it began early in the small town of Dolores on September 16th, and successfully established the first Republic, with Guadalupe Victoria as its first president.

American-Mexican War

The American-Mexican War lasted from 1846 to 1848. The reason for the war was because of the relationship between the independence of Texas (now the United States) and American expansionism. The United States absorbed the Republic of Texas as the 28th state with benefits. And it attacked Mexico as far away as California and New Mexico. After the war, Mexico lost 1/3 of its original territory. As a result, Mexicans still hate Americans. A new politician was also created who got rid of St. Anna's rule over Mexico and established a free republic in 1857.

French aggression

In the 1860s, France took control of Mexico during the civil war, but it was overthrown without full control. in 1867, democracy was restored and Juarez ran for re-election and continued his reforms. In 1871, he was elected for the second time, his opposition Liberal Party, which considered the election process undemocratic. A year after Juarez's death, Miguel Lildo de Hada took over (Miguel Lerdo de Tejada Mexicans are optimistic and enthusiastic, and it can be seen from their coffee that the mellow Mexican coffee is not only loved by the country, but also praised by many coffee connoisseurs. There are many ways to taste Mexican coffee, mainly divided into alcoholic and non-alcoholic practices.

Non-alcoholic Mexican coffee often goes with milk. Heat a cup of milk, a teaspoon of cinnamon powder and a teaspoon of vanilla powder in a pot at medium temperature, not too hot, and do not boil the milk. Then add the cocoa powder, fully dissolve and stir well. If you like chocolate, you can use chocolate paste instead of cocoa powder and milk. Let the milk dry for about 5 minutes, wait until the milk is slightly cool, then pour into the prepared coffee, decorate the coffee surface with cold cream, then decorate with a piece of cinnamon, and the Mexican coffee is ready. The aromas of chocolate and cinnamon blend together to give off the smell of desert. Tasting such a cup of coffee, it is as if you are walking through the vicissitudes of the desert to choose Mexican coffee manually. The main basis for selection is according to the fullness of coffee particles, whether it is uniform, and then grade it. Generally speaking, coffee with full and uniform grains is easier to preserve. Only the fullest and most evenly grained coffee beans can be roasted to represent the best and best coffee in the country.

After the workers picked the coffee beans, they spread the coffee beans in a special house with ventilation on all sides. About a week later, the coffee beans were packed in loosely packed bags so that the wind could blow through the bags. After about seven weeks, the coffee beans changed color and taste. Finally, these coffee beans are selected manually, and the coffee beans of high quality are selected and officially bagged for preservation.

Aldumara coffee beans are the top coffee beans in Mexico. This coffee beans have large granules, strong sweetness, sour taste and good aroma.