Coffee review

Burundian Coffee Flavor with Fruit Flavor; introduction to the characteristics of fine coffee beans in the manor area

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Formerly known as Urundi, Burundi formed a feudal kingdom in the 16th century. Since the middle of the 19th century, the forces of Britain, Germany and Belgium invaded. The long-ruled monarchy, which was conquered by Germany in 1890, listed it as the territory of German East Africa and fell under the control of the Belgian army in 1916. After World War I, the League of Nations merged Rwanda-

Formerly known as Urundi, Burundi formed a feudal kingdom in the 16th century. Since the middle of the 19th century, the forces of Britain, Germany and Belgium invaded. The long-ruled monarchy, which was conquered by Germany in 1890, listed it as the territory of German East Africa and fell under the control of the Belgian army in 1916. After World War I, the League of Nations assigned the then merged Ruanda-Urundi to Belgium, which supported the local royal family to rule the region indirectly. Until the end of the second World War, Rwanda-Oolong became part of the United Nations trust territory, entrusted to Belgium, separated from Rwanda in 1959 and formally became independent as the Kingdom of Burundi on 1 July 1962. Burundi had briefly regained its monarchy when it became independent, but in 1966 the military prime minister ousted the original prince (he had just usurped the throne), established the Republic of Burundi and entered a period of military dictatorship. [3]

There are two major ethnic groups in Burundi, and only about 15 percent of the Tutsi have ruled the country since the 16th century, controlling the civilian population, which is mainly made up of Hutu, plus a very small number of indigenous Twa. This abnormal social structure occupied by ethnic minorities planted the evil seed of national instability and reached its peak in October 1993. Just four months after taking office, Melchior Ndadaye, Burundi's first ever Hutu head of state and the first democratically elected president, was assassinated by a mainly Tutsi-controlled military. The death of Ndadaya led to a comprehensive ethnic conflict in which at least 200000 of the population of both sides were slaughtered, of which 65000 Tutsi were slaughtered to fewer than 5000. The massacre lasted until 2002, when the Tutsi government finally signed an international armistice with four different Hutu rebels and a cease-fire agreement with the last rebel group, the Forces nationales de Liberation (French: Conseil National Pour la D é fense de la D é mocratie-Forces pour la D é fense de la D é mocratie, NCDD-FDD). It was on September 7, 2006 in Dar es Salaam, the capital of Tanzania, that fragrant, soft-tasting coffee from war-torn areas was signed.

Burundi has the most diverse and successful coffee industry in the world, and has its own characteristics. Coffee in this country was introduced by Belgian colonists in 1930 and is now grown only on small farms. Unfortunately, many of these farms are on the border with war-torn Rwanda, putting pressure on coffee production. Almost all coffee produced in Burundi is Arabian coffee beans, while coffee trees in Ngozi are planted at an altitude of more than 1200 meters. Burundian coffee has a rich aroma and excellent acidity, and most of its products are exported to the United States, Germany, Finland and Japan: Burundi.

Grade: AA,FWS

Planting area: Buyendi

Brand name: Buyendi

Treatment method: wet treatment

Appearance: 1dcompany300grgrRAME 16-18SCR

Variety: Jackson bourbon

Note: due to ethnic separatism, the chaos of Burundian coffee has been going on for a long time, with a large number of old and new raw beans mixed together, making this coffee unsuitable for grading. This coffee is rough but mild, and has characteristics similar to Kenyan coffee. The flavor is sweet and fruity, with a slightly spicy finish.

Dry aroma (1-5): not applicable

Wet aroma (1-5): not applicable

Acidity (brightness) (1-10): not applicable

Taste (layered) (1-10): not applicable

Taste (alcohol thickness) (1-5): not applicable

Aftertaste (residue) (1-10): not applicable

Balance (1-5): not applicable

Base score (50): not applicable

Total score (maximum 100): not applicable

Intensity / main attributes: medium strong / sweet, fruity, spicy aftertaste Burundi is a small landlocked country located at the junction of eastern and central Africa, across the Nile and Congo basins, with a mainly hilly and mountainous landscape. with excellent coffee cultivation altitude. The history of coffee cultivation in Burundi is not long, its coffee planting industry is carried out entirely in the form of small family farms, there is a great difference in quality, and years of war and social unrest have made its coffee planting industry very chaotic. But I have to admit that it has the potential to produce high-quality coffee.