Coffee review

Sumatra Lindong Coffee with strong Flavor Flavor and Taste introduction to Fine Coffee in Manor area

Published: 2024-10-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/20, In the east, powerful rivers carry silt downstream, forming vast flatlands dotted with swamps and lakes. Although there is little arable land in the region, which is bad for agriculture, its importance to Indonesia's economic development should not be underestimated, because oil is produced above ground and underground: Palm oil and oil. Sumatra is located at the southeastern edge of the Eurasian plate, and the area south of the island is located in the Indian Ocean.

In the east, powerful rivers carry silt downstream, forming vast flatlands dotted with swamps and lakes. Although there is little arable land in the region, which is disadvantageous to agriculture, its importance to Indonesia's economic development should not be underestimated, because "oil is produced above ground and underground": Palm oil and oil.

Sumatra Island is located at the southeastern edge of the Eurasian plate, and the area south of the island is located at the edge of the Indian Ocean plate and is part of the Eurasian seismic belt. On December 26, 2004, the 10-meter-high tsunami triggered by the Indian Ocean earthquake swept through the coastal areas of western Sumatra, causing serious damage. More than 80,000 people were killed in Indonesia, mainly in Aceh and North Sumatra provinces.


Although Sumatra has a long coastline, it lacks a good natural port. The reason is that it is often attacked by the "Indian Ocean surf". A high-rolled surf is pushed ashore in a long row or two or three rows, which is so powerful that it can lift a fishing boat to the top of the wave and then overturn and fall. Due to the existence of the phenomenon of "surging waves in the Indian Ocean", there are almost no natural ports in the two main islands of Sumatra and Java.

The tsunami triggered by the Sumatra earthquake

The tsunami triggered by the Sumatra earthquake


Sumatra has an equatorial crossing and belongs to a tropical rain forest climate (high temperature and rainy throughout the year, with obvious dry and wet seasons [1]). Due to the high temperature and rainy all the year round, there is little temperature difference in different places, but there are obvious differences in rainfall. The annual precipitation on the west coast is 3000 mm.

Geographical location of Sumatra

Geographical location of Sumatra

The annual precipitation from the eastern slope of the mountains to the coastal plain is 2000-3000 mm, and the annual precipitation at the north and south ends of the island is 1500-1700 mm.

The gentleman in coffee-Sumatra Manning Mantenin is a fine coffee bean growing in the plateau and mountain area at an altitude of 750-1500 meters, implying a kind of tenacity and a great spirit that can be taken up and put down. It represents a kind of masculinity, drink with a kind of happy dripping, wanton, gallop scenery, this taste makes men fascinated.

Life is full of achievement and pride because of Manning. The world is full of sunshine and love because of Manning. Perhaps this is just as life becomes great because of ideals, and life becomes extraordinary because of practice. Manning has always expressed its most unique sweetness with the most unique bitterness, as if it were life. When we first taste it, we may be surprised, no matter how much sugar can not hide the bitter taste, but we can not help ourselves and crazy infatuated with its charming aroma, like thorns on the edge of flowers, sobering and conscious.

Manning's suffering will not upset you, but will make you feel more awake. Before you encounter real pain, Manning is just an ordinary drink with a bitter taste, a refreshing liquid, a tool to slow you down, and it can't feel your grievance yet. but there are many people who are madly infatuated with Mantenin's bitterness, as if they can't quit if they are poisoned. If you want to know why, they will smile and tell you: "because love is bitter." Manning style Manning leaping micro-acid mixed with the richest aroma, so that you can easily taste the lively factor in the mild fragrance, its outstanding taste has confused many suitors.

In the 17th century, the Dutch first introduced Arabica saplings to Ceylon (present-day Sri Lanka) and Indonesia. In 1877, a large-scale disaster hit the Indonesian islands, coffee rust destroyed almost all the coffee trees, people had to give up Arabica, which had been in operation for many years, and introduced the disease-resistant Robusta coffee tree from Africa. Indonesia today is a big coffee producer. Coffee is mainly produced in Java, Sumatra and Sulawi, with Robusta accounting for 90% of the total production. Sumatra Manning is a rare Arabica species. Planted on hillsides between 750m and 1500 m above sea level, the mysterious and unique Sumatran species give Mantenin coffee a rich aroma, rich taste, strong flavor, slightly chocolate and syrup flavor