Coffee review

Fancy cappuccino

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The ultimate meaning of fancy cappuccino is to draw beautiful patterns on the snow-white foam, sometimes it can really capture the hearts of some guests, as far as taste is concerned, fancy cappuccino is easy to give people a strong feeling of milk flavor. The advantage of fancy cappuccino is that it looks interesting and tastes good, which is very important. It is suggested that baristas are making pull.

The ultimate meaning of fancy cappuccino is to draw beautiful patterns on the snow-white foam, sometimes it can really capture the hearts of some guests, as far as taste is concerned, fancy cappuccino is easy to give people a strong feeling of milk flavor.

The advantage of fancy cappuccino is that it looks interesting and tastes good, which is very important. It is suggested that when making flower patterns, baristas should draw each pattern carefully in the hope that the guests will happily smile and praise the sincerity of the coffee as "delicious". Leaf shape and round form are the most basic patterns of flower drawing, while the patterns of animals or characters can be changed from circular patterns, so we should pay special attention to drawing patterns and carefully draw them lovely and beautiful.

For baristas, the value of a fancy cappuccino is:

The design of the fancy cappuccino has a variety of patterns. Mr. Hu told the students that technically, it is better to challenge the heart-shaped and leaf patterns at first. Because many patterns are evolved from this, as long as these two patterns are practiced skillfully, it is very easy to make other patterns.

For baristas, the value of a fancy cappuccino is that it is easy to grasp the properties of milk. The heart shape or leaf pattern is a graphic change made by adjusting the injection method of steam-heated milk. This makes it easy to know at which stage the steam-heated milk changes from the milk layer to the foam layer. And usually in the general milk, will not pay special attention to this point.

Baitianhui Coffee training teacher Hu made some fancy cappuccino patterns, about hundreds of them. Most of them are cute patterns that can be recognized at a glance, and sometimes new patterns are not carefully designed, but created by brilliant ideas. For example, create a new pattern by observing the state of the bubble and trying to pull a line from somewhere to form a pattern.

The advantage of fancy cappuccino is that it looks interesting and tastes good, which is very important. In the production of flower patterns, we should hope that guests can happily show a smile, praise the sincerity of coffee "really delicious", and carefully draw each pattern. In the shape of the flower, the leaf shape and round form are basically shaped, while the patterns of animals or characters can be changed from the circular pattern. When drawing a pattern, you should pay special attention to it and make it lovely and beautiful.