Coffee review

The process of hand flushing-- Yega Xuefei

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Today, I received the second batch of Yega Xuefei from happybob. It is said that he is really a very good seller. When he first received his Yega Xuefei, it was not easy to drink. It was always sour. No matter how to adjust the technique and the brewing temperature, there was a kind of uncomfortable acid. So he texted happybob with the attitude of asking, but what he got was sorry.

Today, I received the second batch of Yega Xuefei from happybob. It is said that he is really a very good seller. When he first received his Yega Xuefei, it was not easy to drink. It was always sour. No matter how to adjust the technique and the brewing temperature, there was a kind of uncomfortable acid. So he texted happybob with the attitude of asking, but what he got was sorry. I'm really sorry that I made a mistake in baking due to cleaning the machine. these beans are relatively shallow, so they will taste very uncomfortable. He said immediately that he would send me another package. In fact, I didn't mean that. I just wanted to verify it, which made me a little embarrassed.


After receiving it today, I opened my bag and brewed it once in the evening, and there happened to be a student in the office, so I took some photos by the way to share with you. Since it was found by the students, I can't ask for too much. I just want to take as many pictures as possible. Many of them are blurred. I'm really sorry.

Or old-fashioned infiltration grinding beans, warm cup, steaming, water injection brewing, today is more anxious, so do not pay much attention to the temperature, steaming when 90 degrees water, and then used to brew, no cooling. You should use a lower temperature when you try again tomorrow, which should show more of the true color of Yega Xuefei-citrus flavor.