Coffee review

Introduction to Nicaraguan Coffee Flavor Manor with rich aroma, smooth and meticulous taste

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Columbus arrived here in 1502 and reached the east coast of Nicaragua. In 1522, Spanish colonists began to conquer the region. The cities of Granada and Leon were founded in 1524. From then on, Nicaragua became a Spanish colony and came under the jurisdiction of the Governor's Office of Guatemala. The city of Leon developed into a political and cultural center; Granada became a commercial and agricultural center. In the later period of colonial rule

Columbus arrived here in 1502 and reached the east coast of Nicaragua. In 1522, Spanish colonists began to conquer the region. The cities of Granada and Leon were founded in 1524. From then on, Nicaragua became a Spanish colony and came under the jurisdiction of the Governor's Office of Guatemala. The city of Leon developed into a political and cultural center; Granada became a commercial and agricultural center. In the later period of colonial rule, the economy of the big manor developed to a certain extent, and vegetable cattle, cocoa and indigo became the main products. It was colonized by Spain in 1525. In the middle of the 17th century, Britain occupied the Mosquito coast and declared it a British protectorate until the signing of the London Agreement with Spain in 1786. [3]

Declare independence

On September 15, 1821, Nicaragua got rid of the Spanish colonial shackles and declared its independence. He briefly joined the Mexican Empire from 1822 to 1823. He joined the Union of Central America from 1823 to 1838. [3]

Build a nation

In 1839, Nicaragua established a republic. In 1912, the United States established a military base in Nicaragua. [3]

War affairs

Since July 1927, Augusto. Cesar. Sandino led the people in a guerrilla war against the US occupation, forcing the US military to withdraw in 1933. On February 21, 1934, the Commander of the Nicaraguan National Guard, Anastacio. Somocha. Garcia assassinated Sandino at the behest of US President Roosevelt. He became president in 1936 and established a pro-American "Cordillo" dictatorship for more than 40 years until 1979. In 1964, the Sandinista National Liberation Front (SPLF) was established to carry out a revolutionary struggle against the Somoza dictatorship.

The planting conditions in Nicaragua are not inferior to those in Central American countries. Coffee with shade at high altitude is grown in a round and balanced taste with less sharp acid. The main unknown factor is war and hurricanes, resulting in the unsustainable operation of a single farm. There is no historical data for raw bean merchants to track and consult farm data, until after 2003, the bad factors leading to coffee quality are removed, and backward traffic is also fully built. Good coffee continues to emerge. As a laggard, they have made quite a sensation!

Tianyi Manor, located in Dipilto, grows coffee on 10 plots above 1350 meters above sea level. When the current landowner Misael Sauceda Olivera inherited from his father, there were only two plots for planting and development, and then he bought land from his neighbors, which has grown to its present scale. Thanks to the efforts of the manor owner Misael Sauceda Olivera, Tianyi Manor has been shortlisted for many times in COE, while constantly making progress, improving the coffee planting conditions and coffee bean processing mode in the manor. It was still ranked 24th in 2007, rose to the fourth place in 2008, and was in high spirits in 2012. Won the runner-up.

Country: Nicaragua

Planting area: Tianyi Manor

Planting altitude: 1000-1500 m

Bean seed: red Kaduai Red Catuai

Treatment method: honey-treated Honey

Cup test information: tobacco, cocoa, pears, malic acid, delightful, medium alcohol thickness tabacco, cacao Niagua coffee producing area, can be said to have a unique geographical environment, some areas have more than four months of dry season, and full sun. In the producing area of Dipido, Nueva Segovia is located in a high-altitude mountain area of 1100 meters, clean and beautiful rivers provide enough water, many shade tree species, fertile soil and excellent climate. The coffee beans in this producing area organized to judge the top five top coffee international organizations CoE (Cup of Excellence) in 2006 and 2007. Nicaraguan coffee with high quality ranks first in the world coffee beans and enjoys a good reputation. Its particles are moderate in size, mild in taste and very aromatic and mellow.

Nicaragua is located in central Central America, bordered by the Pacific Ocean to the west and the Caribbean Sea to the east. The highlands in the north and the coastal plains in the east are part of the Central American volcanic belt. The eastern plain is high-temperature and rainy, with a tropical maritime climate. The suitable climate provides an excellent growth environment for the cultivation of coffee.

High-quality Nicaraguan coffee, grown in the north and middle of the country. Coffee is a pillar industry in Nicaragua, producing nearly 100,000 tons of coffee beans every year. Many people who have tasted Nicaraguan coffee usually think that it is no different from Salvadoran coffee or Honduran coffee. It has a rich aroma, smooth and delicate, and a slightly bitter finish, like a faint taste in wine.