Coffee review

Introduction to the flavor and taste of Mexican Aldumara coffee manor with strong sweetness

Published: 2024-10-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/17, The Teotihuacan civilization (Teotihuacn) began around 200 BC, about in the middle of what is now Mexico, and was born after the demise of the Olmec civilization, about the same time as the Mayan civilization. the Teotihuacan built a city with a population of about 50, 000 between the first year of AD and 150, making it the earliest city in the entire American region.

The Teotihuacan civilization (Teotihuac á n) began around 200 BC, about in the middle of what is now Mexico, and was born after the demise of the Olmec civilization, about the same time as the Mayan civilization. the Teotihuacan people built a city of about 50,000 people between the first year of AD and 150, making it the earliest urban settlement in the whole American region, with many pyramids. However, unlike the genealogical context of other ancient Indian civilizations, the origin of the Teotihuacans is still an unsolved mystery, and no one can confirm that the civilization had written and documented it. Today, we know about the existence of this civilization, not only because they have left behind huge relics for analysis and proof, but also because some other surrounding civilizations of their time mentioned things about the Teotihuacans in their books or paintings. it's another key to reference. The Teotihuacans did not call themselves by this name, which was used by the Toltec, a successor civilization that existed in the region after the demise of the civilization, to call their predecessors the Nahuatl (a native Indian language of central Mexico), meaning "the land of man made by the gods". Although the ancient civilization disappeared long ago in the Toltek and even later Aztec times, they still regard the ancient city where the Teotihuacan once lived as a shrine, hence the name.

During the reign of Spain

In 1519, the Spanish invaded Mexico, and in 1521, Tenochtitl á n, the capital of Aztec, was conquered by the Tlaxcalteca, the main enemy of Spain and Aztec. But Spain did not completely conquer Aztec, but completed it two centuries later, and there were two main reasons why the Spaniards won.

The Aztecs sacrifice many people every year, mostly from prisoners of war, because they believe that there must be constant human sacrifice for the universe to continue to work. But in time of peace, the Azrac resorted to a formal "courtesy war" and obtained prisoners of war. That is why the Trascaltka were willing to join the Spanish army against the Azrac.

Another important factor is that the Spaniards brought all kinds of plagues and infectious diseases to the Americas. Smallpox, influenza, plague, measles, hundreds of thousands of natives were infected, and these epidemics could kill about 8 million local people.

Mexicans are enthusiastic and optimistic, and the chocolates in Mexican coffee perfectly reflect this. There are different methods of Mexican coffee, but the main difference is whether it contains alcohol or not. let's first introduce the practice of non-alcohol.

Heat a cup of milk, a teaspoon of cinnamon powder and a teaspoon of vanilla powder in a pot. Keep it at medium temperature. The heat is not too high. The milk must not boil. Then add the cocoa powder, fully dissolve and stir well. If you are particularly fond of chocolate, you can use chocolate paste instead of cocoa powder and milk.

Let the milk dry for about 5 minutes, wait until the milk is slightly cool, then pour into the prepared coffee, decorate the coffee surface with cold cream, then decorate with a piece of cinnamon, and the Mexican coffee is ready.

The aromas of chocolate and cinnamon blend together to give off the smell of desert. Tasting such a cup of coffee, you seem to be walking through the gray-green cactus in the Mexican desert.

The most famous alcoholic drink in Mexico is tequila (Tequila). When Mexicans drink tequila, they lick a little salt on the tip of their tongue and then swallow the wine in a small glass. Tequila is a strong wine, the Mexican coffee made by adding this wine is very good, if you have enough courage, you might as well give it a try.

Tequila Mexican coffee and non-alcoholic Mexican coffee practice basically, just to pour a small cup of tequila at the bottom of the cup, and then milk and coffee, it is best to decorate the main producing areas of cream and cinnamon are: Corabagu, Australia Aluca states, the products are mostly highland-produced water-washed beans, with good aroma and sour taste, the grade is divided into three categories according to altitude: Aldura (219m-1280 m) Prima. Rabe Society (853-1006 m) Puine. Raba Society (640-762 m). Coffee beans are mainly exported to the United States.

Quality editor

High quality beans: Aldu Mara, Mexico.

Taste characteristics: large particles, with a strong sweet, sour taste and good aroma.

The best barbecue degree: medium fried or body fried.

It is characterized by a smooth taste, high acidity, medium mellowness and a slightly nutty finish. Sweet, sour and bitter are neutral and suitable.

The taste is sour, special and elegant. Although the professionalism of Brazilian coffee is of little value, it is very suitable for blending. Because of the huge output of coffee, the price is not very expensive.