Coffee review

Strong aroma of Tanzanian coffee flavor taste introduction of boutique coffee in manor producing area

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The topography of Tanzania is high in the northwest and low in the southeast, showing a ladder shape. The eastern coast is a lowland, the western inland plateau accounts for more than half of the total inland area, and the East African Rift Valley runs from east to west from Lake Malawi to the north and south. The Kibo peak of Mount Kilimanjaro in the northeast is 5895 meters above sea level. It is the highest peak in Africa. The eastern coastal areas of Tanzania and part of the inland lowlands have a savanna climate.

The topography of Tanzania is high in the northwest and low in the southeast, showing a ladder shape. The eastern coast is a lowland, the western inland plateau accounts for more than half of the total inland area, and the East African Rift Valley runs from east to west from Lake Malawi to the north and south. The Kibo peak of Mount Kilimanjaro in the northeast is 5895 meters above sea level, which is the highest peak in Africa.

The eastern coastal areas and inland lowlands of Tanzania have a savanna climate, while the western inland plateau has a tropical mountain climate, with an average temperature of 21-25 ℃ in most areas. More than 20 islands in Zanzibar have a tropical maritime climate, hot and humid all the year round, with an annual average temperature of 26 ℃. [6]

The types of rainfall can be divided into bimodal distribution and unimodal distribution. The areas with double bee rainfall include the provinces around the Lake Victoria basin, the northeast highlands, the coastal and inland northeastern. The bimodal rainfall area is characterized by two rainy seasons. The short rainy season occurs from September to December. The total rainfall can reach 200-500 mm. The long rainy season occurs from March to May, and the rainfall reaches 300-600 mm. The areas outside the double-bee rainfall area are all single-bee rainfall areas, with rainfall of 500-1000 mm from November to April. Tanzania is rich in mineral resources. As of 2014, the main minerals identified include gold, diamond, iron, nickel, phosphate, coal and various gemstones, ranking fifth in Africa in total. Tanzania also has huge natural gas reserves. According to official data released by Tanzania, Tanzania has proven natural gas reserves of 44 trillion cubic feet, and the total reserves are expected to reach at least 200 trillion cubic feet. [8]


Found in many parts of the mainland, Lake Victoria is comparable in geology and scale to the major gold producing areas of Australia, Canada, South Africa and Zimbabwe, with proven reserves of 18 million ounces and estimated reserves of up to 30 million ounces. [8]


As of 2014, about 20 per cent of the 300 kimberlite known to contain diamonds, with proven diamond mineral reserves of 2.5 million tons. In addition, there are also diamond deposits in 600 kimberlite with similar geological characteristics and the impact zones at the edges of the East African Rift Valley, Lake Rukwa and Cyrus basins.

Tanzania covers an area of 945087 square kilometers, of which Zanzibar is 2657 square kilometers. It consists of the mainland, Zanzibar and more than 20 small islands. Located in eastern Africa and south of the equator, the continent is bounded by the Indian Ocean to the east, Zambia, Malawi and Mozambique to the south, Rwanda, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the west, and Kenya and Uganda to the north. The 840 km long coastline of the mainland can be divided into bimodal distribution and unimodal distribution. The areas with double bee rainfall include the provinces around the Lake Victoria basin, the northeast highlands, the coastal and inland northeastern. The bimodal rainfall area is characterized by two rainy seasons. The short rainy season occurs from September to December. The total rainfall can reach 200-500 mm. The long rainy season occurs from March to May, and the rainfall reaches 300-600 mm. The areas outside the double-bee rainfall area are all single-bee rainfall areas. the rainfall is 500-1000 mm from November to April. the main coffee producing area in Tanzania is located at the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro, which is rich in volcanic soil. some coffee trees planted here are more than 100 years old. the earliest coffee was introduced by Christians from Kenya to plant coffee. Coffee trees must be taken care of carefully. Weed removal and fertilization. Moreover, old branches must be cut off so that new branches can grow to maintain the quality of coffee beans. Coffee bean processing plants are well equipped; coffee beans are an important economic crop in Tanzania, and the local government attaches great importance to this industry: raw beans are unbaked beans, which contain 11.5% fat; 11.5% moisture; 28.6% crude fiber; 4.0% minerals; 6.2% tannin. Caffeine 1.3%; essence 17.0%; sugar 8.1%; protein 11.8%.

Baked beans: roasted beans, which contain 13.0% fat; 1.5% caffeine; 29.5% crude fiber; 2.6% moisture; 5.0% minerals; 4.2% tannic acid; 29.4% essence; 2.0% sugar; protein 12.8% Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, which is 5895 meters above sea level and connected to Mount Meru, is the main production base of Kilimanjaro coffee. Mount Kilimanjaro is the highest peak on the African continent and the only snowy peak on the earth located on the equatorial line. It is "the roof of Africa" and "Snow White on the equator". The rich volcanic ash gives the coffee here a strong texture and soft acidity, with the characteristics of typical African coffee beans. Kilimanjaro AA is the highest grade of beans with high quality in all aspects. Medium or more moderate after baking has a strong aroma. Suitable for use as a single product or iced coffee