Coffee review

Introduction to the flavor and taste of Nicaraguan boutique coffee beans the characteristics of the manor area

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Columbus arrived here in 1502 and reached the east coast of Nicaragua. In 1522, Spanish colonists began to conquer the region. The cities of Granada and Leon were founded in 1524. From then on, Nicaragua became a Spanish colony and came under the jurisdiction of the Governor's Office of Guatemala. The city of Leon developed into a political and cultural center; Granada became a commercial and agricultural center. In the later period of colonial rule

Columbus arrived here in 1502 and reached the east coast of Nicaragua. In 1522, Spanish colonists began to conquer the region. The cities of Granada and Leon were founded in 1524. From then on, Nicaragua became a Spanish colony and came under the jurisdiction of the Governor's Office of Guatemala. The city of Leon developed into a political and cultural center; Granada became a commercial and agricultural center. In the later period of colonial rule, the economy of the big manor developed to a certain extent, and vegetable cattle, cocoa and indigo became the main products. It was colonized by Spain in 1525. In the middle of the 17th century, Britain occupied the Mosquito coast and declared it a British protectorate. It was not until the signing of the London Agreement with Spain in 1786 that Nicaragua was temporarily evacuated from Central America, with Honduras in the north, Costa Rica in the south, the Caribbean Sea in the east and the Pacific Ocean in the west, covering a total area of 130400 square kilometers. [1]

Topography and geomorphology

The central north of Nicaragua is a highland; the east is a coastal plain with many jungle swamps and low-lying terrain; the west is a coastal lowland with many volcanoes and lakes in the east. [4]


The Nicaraguan plain is high-temperature and rainy, with a tropical maritime climate; in the western coastal lowlands, the precipitation is obviously less than that in the east, and there are dry and wet seasons, so it belongs to the savanna climate; the central highland has an annual average temperature of 18 ℃ and an annual precipitation of 1500 ℃, with a rainy season in southwestern Nicaragua and the capital of Massaya province from May to December. Located at the eastern foot of Masaya Volcano, 25 kilometers northwest from Managua. The population is 43000 (1980). The industrial and commercial center of the surrounding agricultural area (which mainly produces tobacco). Famous for producing Indian handicrafts (embroidery, palm hats, etc.). There are tobacco, shoes, soap, leather and other industries. Railway, road and air transportation are convenient.


A city in southwestern Nicaragua and the capital of Karaso province. Located in the Diliamba Highlands, 760 meters above sea level. The population is 18000 (1980). Founded in 1883. Distribution and processing center of agricultural and animal husbandry products. There are limestone, salt mines and other mining industries nearby. Railways and highways lead to Managua.


Port city in southeastern Nicaragua, capital of Zelaya province. It is located at the mouth of the Escondido River in Bloomfield Bay. The population is 21000 (1980). It was a gathering place for pirates in the 16th and 17th centuries and later the capital of the British Moskitos coastal protectorate. It has been in Nicaragua since 1850. Due to the accumulation of sediment in the bay, import and export trade has to pass through the outer port of Bloom. Industry to wood processing, frozen sea shrimp, gold and silver jewelry processing. The house is made of wood and has a unique style. The steamboat can trace up the Escondido River for 100 kilometers to Lamar.

Nicaragua is now one of the poorest countries in Central America. Due to its poor economic foundation, the coffee industry is still relatively backward, while coffee farmers are in extreme poverty. Fortunately, Nicaraguan coffee has received some foreign aid funds to improve the quality of its coffee. The coffee produced in Nicaragua's Madagelba, Sinodega and Segovia is highly respected by coffee lovers all over the world. In particular, coffee from the Madagelba region tastes very similar to Kenyan AA coffee. Coffee is Nicaragua's main export product. According to the president of the Nicaraguan Coffee Farmers' Federation, due to the poor harvest of coffee in Nicaragua's Pacific region, the country's total coffee production in 1998 may be 12% lower than that in 1997. In the 1997-1998 coffee year, Nicaragua harvested a total of 1.422 million bags (46kg per bag) of coffee, the best harvest in 14 years after coffee production hovered around 1 million bags. It is estimated that the income from coffee exports in 1998 will be about 1.6 billion US dollars, and Nicaraguan coffee production will drop sharply. Wei Kailei coffee is Nicaragua's main export product. According to the president of the Nicaraguan Coffee Farmers' Federation, due to the poor harvest of coffee in the Pacific region of Nicaragua, the total coffee production of the country in 1998 may be 12% lower than that in 1997 and 1998. the cultivation and production of Nepalese coffee has a unique environment, the fertile volcanic ash soil all over the country, coupled with shade planting methods, has established a good production quality, Nepalese coffee has a rich mellow and fragrant taste The balance between moderate acidity and bitter taste is excellent, which is regarded as top grade in the eyes of international coffee connoisseurs. Because of the national character of Latin American people, it is difficult for foreign buyers to do business with Latin people directly. Latin people do not attach importance to credit, things are too casual, the quality of shipments is uncertain, exported products are also mixed with sundries, and so on. But in fact, Latin America does have a good growing environment suitable for growing agricultural products all over the world, so we came to Nicaragua to ensure the quality of the goods and ship them on schedule, hoping to enable coffee lovers to enjoy high-quality Nepalese coffee.